Central Java is an area that stores various kinds of residual fathers of the nation. One is building the temple can still enjoy its beauty and majesty until now. Hindu places of worship and Buddhist is spread in some areas such as in Semarang District, Karanganyar, Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten, Temanggung, Wonosobo and Banjarnegara.
Unfortunately, the ancient temple or site is not perfectly styled so many physical conditions that are not complete temple stones redactor building. Ironically, parts of the temple is looked into mess and have no meaning. In fact, for gather the statue was not easy because the land is still buried it, lost, or have used the switch function.
From about 35 temples in the Central Java region, there are seven new temple complex is a relatively perfect and have a sale value of the tour. The complex is spread in the temple Gedongsongo, Cetho, Sukuh, Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut, and Dieng.
Among the temple, the Borobudur temple is the most crowded because every year around 1.6 million tourists visit this temple.