The current information on health and related topics as drugs/prescriptions is based in the old Newtonian model that people are glorified machines. Holistic Health is non-toxic. I have healed nine addictions, Bipolar Disorder, domestic violence, PTSD, anxiety, depression, Fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, arthritis and more without toxic prescriptions. Today, I know that medicine only addresses the symptoms and not the cause. It is time for America to wake up to understanding that mind and mood-altering drugs are poisonous and fatal. They stop the vital life force from providing the energy for living. Acute conditions as a heart attack or broken bones can use medical practices very effectively; however, a chronic condition I found has an emotional basis from trauma, drama, or fears. To drug an emotionally based condition does not resolve it, but actually stops nature form taking a course of restoration.
Twenty-first century medicine needs to focus on the work of Albert Einstein. He said that human beings are a dynamic energetic system and this will bring medicine to modern heights. In Quantum Physics, we understand today that we are vibrational energy. Vibrational medicine rebalances the energy fields to restore our bodies into order from a higher level. Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. in his acclaimed book, “Vibrational Medicine,” explicitly explains how our illnesses may often be a symbolic reflection of our own internal states of emotional unrest, spiritual blockage, and dis-ease. In addition this quote from Dr. Albert Schweitzer, is helpful. “It’s a trade secret, but I’ll tell you anyway. All healing is self-healing.”
In 1974, Dr. John H. Tilden, M.D. had an accurate understanding of this in his book, “Toxemia: the Basic Cause of Disease”, ‘And when the truth is known that healing, or the power to throw off disease and get well, is wholly within the subconscious and is personal, we will know that curing and palliating by the administration of remedies—drugs, serums, vaccines, surgery, feeding to keep up the strength, etc. –are superfluous, meddlesome, and on the order of throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery.’
It is time to promote effective, efficient and more reasonable health care that resolves the root cause of the condition, so there are no symptoms to drug. In my practice as a Therapeutic Hypnotherapist, I find the body consciousness will tell you the cause and the solution to recover. We have been lead down the wrong path to profit others, while the medical protocol was misinformed. The answers are within and not from methods of those that do not address the real cause, but employ poisonous solutions for the symptoms.
I am not a drugged person, in fear, who cannot make rational choices anymore. I have learned to think for myself. Edgar Cayce, The Father of Holistic Health said, “Spirit is the source, Mind is the Builder and the Physical is the result.” I have been off all prescriptions for over 12 years, declared sane and now have a healthier life at 74 years of age, then when I was younger. People need to hear of alternative methods that release past fears, trauma, and turmoil into healthy thinking and thereby create a healthy life. It is cheaper, effective, and it works. Visit my web site for more information,
As an Internationally Board Certified Regressionist, I assist people to find the root cause of any illness so it can be replaced with a loving solution, for returning to the flow of life. I was inducted into “Who’s Who for Professional and Executives” for her innovative and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy An international author, speaker, and columnist, I hosted and produced my own talk radio show, and often appear in interviews on radio and television. My inspirational presentations come from personal understanding and as a counselor, international lecturer, and college teacher utilizing my insight and wisdom. In addition, I am an award-winning international writer and international author, consultant, and columnist appearing at universities and schools, seminars, retreats, treatment centers, wellness centers, and conventions.
I am a Holistic Health Counselor, author, and speaker. In addition, I won an international writing award. Also, I am a syndicated columnist, consultant, regressions counselor, and teacher who shares the dynamics of life through her own experience. My own radio programs, many interviews on radio, appearances on television, and lectures are well received. My powerful seminars and college classes are always a happy success.
“Paradigm Busters, Reveal the Real You” is my forthcoming book, which will describe tools and ideas for healing all parts of your life, including domestic violence, illness, mental illness, addictions and other problems. My first book, “Roses Have Thorns” is available on my web site. In addition, you will find my DVD for “Empowerment” for viewing. I have several articles and books at and my web site. “The Real Meaning of 2012, A New Paradigm for Bringing Heaven to Earth” on is my latest E-book. For more information, visit her web site: