Homeland Security Targets Americans, Not Foreign Terrorists

In light of the growing dissatisfaction of the American people with the actions of the Bush Administration post 9/11 and continuing civil rights violations and abridgements in the form of many of the provisions of the Patriot Act which included unlawful searches and seizures of American citizens in it’s scope, there has been an ongoing grass roots movement in order to begin to hold the American government accountable for some of these continuing and massive violations. 

The Obama Administration also already in its first 100 days has continued this precedent in some of its recent legislation also in provisions included in the stimulus, and actions on the unlawful AIG bailout under Secretary Geithner.

Recently, a rally was scheduled for one such group in St. Louis, Missouri under the banner Campaign for Liberty which was to be a weekend event and during which Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano and some others were going to be addressing citizens concerned with the direction this country has been taking post-9/11 targeting not merely foreigners that would enter this country in order to do it or its citizenry harm, but the lawful citizenry as well – none of whom were tied in any manner to the events of 9/11 or affiliated with any foreign groups.

In fact, it appears primarily that it is the citizenry and not those foreigners that enter unlawfully who are the primary targets now.  While America’s borders remain open and unsecured, the agenda has been in increasing domestic surveillance at the cost of the civil rights of the lawful citizenry with respect to American’s Bill of Rights protections.

Prior to the scheduled rally, a memo was issued by the Missouri Information Analysis Center in conjunction with the National Fusion Centers which were created post 9/11 in most states throughout the nation for the purpuse of sharing intelligence information between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies with respect to foreign terrorism.

Interestingly enough, though, the memo which was handed out to the state and local police officials within the Missouri Department of Public Safety targeted mostly American political philosophies which aligned with America’s Constitution, not foreign groups or identified terrorist organizations such as those that were involved in the attacks of 9/11.  Primarily those Americans in the United States who most likely would be attending the upcoming convention and their political ideology and adherence to the lawful form of government as outlined in our Constitution.

These Fusion Centers are funded through the Department(s) of Justice, Defense and primarily Homeland Security.  Thus, the origins, preparation and distribution of the brochure was at the federal level, whose agenda has clearly moved from addressing the threat of true terrorist’s actions against this country by outside factions to now labeling American citizens whose rights they continue to abridge as "terrorists," in and of themselves who disagree with the acts of this and prior administrations with respect to their Constitutional violations in continuing the Middle East war yet promoting open borders, and those defending American’s rights which have been abridged post 9/11 as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights provisions.

For any interested in the publicly funded Nation Fusion Center and it’s publicity statements on just what it was created and authorized to do, and its original intended focus, please see their statement from the DHS website: http://www.dhs.gov/xnews/releases/pr_1206047160541.shtm

It appears as of late in federal legislation, give some a small amount of power without enforcement and constraints in place, such as in this instance, and the purpose and mission quite quickly become corrupt.

While the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is a member of the President’s cabinet, apparently there is not enough oversight with respect to the Department’s acitivites at the Congressional level other than simply funding them through requested appropriations.  We are not in a legally declared war within this country by any foreign entity at this time, and during peace time that oversight belongs to Congress really, not the President.  (The attacks going on in our border states have yet to be recognized by Washington as really an invasion and attack by citizens of a foreign nation).

The people’s rights in America supercede that of the Centers, and although the memo was eventually rescinded (the first day of the scheduled Convention), it truly does go to show that those now in positions of power clearly have forgotten to whom they are actually accountable, and the limits of those powers.

Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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