Homphobia: What is it and what’s okay?

What is homophobia? This is the hot issue right now, especially among the younger generation. Just a few weeks ago schools across the United States held a Day of Silence. This was a day when students (about 9% of the student population volunteered per school) didn’t speak for a day in support of closeted homosexuals. A few students actually duct taped their mouths to carry it even farther. And here is the basis of my article-I myself was called and saw students called ‘creepy’ or ‘weird’  for the duct tape. Is this homophobic? Those students speaking said nothing about homosexuals or the taped student’s sexual orientation-they were stating an opinion on the other students features. While this could be said as bullying, that’s not the case here. I’m asking if this was homophobic. Is it? It could be said that calling the taped students ‘weird’ is an indirect assault on the cause they’re supporting. I personally feel that it is. Those students speaking knew what the tape represented, and they shouldn’t have commented. It was not a fashion accessory but a statement supporting a cause. However, they do have the right to free speech, no matter how rude. This brings me to another part of homophobia-homophobic slurs. Faggot. Queer. Dyke. Fairy, and others. These words are hurtful. That can’t be denied. But is there a possibility that they can also be used without offense? I believe so. Among friends, joking entirely with no intent to hurt, they become just words. I feel that with people who are joking and mature enough not to abuse them, these words are alright. Should they stop if someone gets offended? Yes, because there is another side of this type of joking-it can go too far. I have seen a close friend of mine called ‘faggot’ by another friend. She fled in tears. Are there correct and incorrect situations (and people) for this type of joking? Clearly, yes. Jokes can be taken too far, especially on sensitive topics such as race and sexuality. So, what is homophobia? Are there various levels or is there one line that simply can’t be crossed? If so, what is it?

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