Hot as chili.

Our food is not just the nutrition of substaining life.

Food is also a source of pleasure and joy by its taste and odour.

Across the world are human beings using spices to enchance the pleasure of eating.

But spices can also affect our health.

The spices affect both healthy and sick people.

Many sharp spices stimulates salivation and increases the activity of enzyme in salvia.

Some sharp spices are:chili,cinnamon,cumin,ginger,juniper berry and pepper.

Bitter herbs increases the secretion of gastric juice,which make it easier for the digestion.

Many of our flavored schnapps have a past as curative.

Garlic has been shown to lower cholesterol and prolong bleeding time.

Blood becomes more fluid and blood vessels more elastic.

Garlic also lowers blood pressure.

In the past people used the liniment made of chili as a painkiller.

In the old style cough medicine,you could find both anice,licorice,peppermint and thyme.

Now,research has shown that thyme is widening the bronchial and can be used in pharyngitis.


Sven-Erik Sandal:
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