This is a GroundReport Tw33t.
It goes out to about 1,500 GroundReport followers.
It is a way to get your idea, witticism, joke, observation or breaking news to the public fast.
It can be done through Anonymous Post if you don’t have an account. All Tw33ts are monitored by the editors for inappropriate content, i.e., no hate, porno, bullying or violence, before they are posted.
Every title of every article on GroundReport is automatically tweeted through the GroundReport Twitter account. So limit your titles to 140 characters, the Twitter character limit — including spaces.
You can also create a GroundReport Tw33t through your regular GR account by simply creating an article. Just remember to mention that the article is a GroundReport Tw33t in its body "This is a GroundReport Tw33t".
It’s the same as having 1,500 followers without being remotely famous or doing any work.
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