How different are different religious texts, really?
When we scan through the different religion and cults in the world, I could not stop wondering what the differences are they. What does Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, differ to each other?
Orthodox Christianity
Is "Orthodox" a brand name of Christianity or is it Christianity that is "Orthodox"? The word "orthodox" comes from 2 Greek words that stand for right belief. The text in every Orthodox Christian lies in John 3:16. God so loved the world and that He gave His One and only Son, that who ever belief in him will not perish but have eternal life. The orthodox Christian believes that all men are sinful and spiritually dead. They pin their hopes in Christ’s death and resurrection for salvation. They also believe they have Bible that is inspired by living God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
Roman Catholicism
There are about 1 billion or one-sixth of the world’s population, are counted as Roman Catholics. The influence of Roman Catholic Church is enormous. Just what are the differences in the texts of Roman Catholics and Protestants? Their texts are basically the same, but the interpretation divided them. It all started in Matt. 16:18 when Jesus said, "On this rock I will build my church". What rock did He mean? Catholic views the rock as the true
The distinct characteristics of Catholic are:
Both Scriptures and Church Tradition are to be regarded as God’s authority.
The Church is the only divine ministry in interpreting the Scripture.
When the Pope speaks ex cathedra (from the chair), he is acting as Vicar of Christ on earth.
What is Judaism? What is a Jew? Is it a nationality or a religion? What do they belief?
Judaism, the religion of the Jews, is built firmly on the Torah or Law. The Law was given by God to Moses.
Today, Judaism exists in three different forms of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.
Orthodox Jew tries to follow the Law written down by Moses. They also obey the book Mishnah consists mainly of instructions for daily living known as Halakah, or "the way to walk". Around A.D. 500, another book of Jewish learning was compiled called Talmud. It is based on the Mishnah but much more material had been added, especially certain famous stories called the Haggadah.
Orthodox Jews will not work, travel, use the phone, write, touch money or pose for pictures on the Sabbath. And there are many life restrictions.
Conservative Jews have a more lenient interpretation of the Torah. But they do believe the Law is vitally important. Conservatives keep Hebrew tradition and language alive.
The Reformists have gone quite some distance from Orthodoxy. Reform Jews do not observe the dietary laws or other laws, such as what a Jew should or should not do on the Sabbath.
Islam religion claims about 1.2 billions followers and dominates 50 countries in
The word "Islam" means "sub mission to God Allah". The disciples call themselves Muslims, meaning "those who submit". Islam text is based solely on the many visions Muhammed saw in his meditation. Muhammed said he met with angel Gabriel, in many of his disturbing visions, who gave him a command from God to "Recite". The word Recite in Arabic is Quran or often called Koran, the sacred text of Islam.
As Islam spread across the globe, various teachings were developed. These were finally written down in the Hadith (Tradition").
Islam religion follows 6 major teachings and 5 performing duties. They are:
The teachings:
1. God. There is only one true God and His name is Allah.
2. Angels. The chief angel is Gabriel. There is also fallen angel named Shaitan (from the Hebrew Satan).
3. Scripture. Muslim believes in 4 God inspired books: the Law of Moses, the Zabur (Psalms of David), the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus, and the Quran.
4. Muhammed. The Quran lists 28 prophets of Allah. These include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, and Jesus. Of course, the last and their greatest prophet is Muhammed
5. The end time. The dead will resurrect on the "Last day" and Allah will judge. Hell is for those who oppose Allah and Muhammed.
6. Predestination. God predestined what He pleases and no one can change it.
The 5 Pillars
1. Statement of belief. All Muslim must publicly repeat Shahadah, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the prophet of Allah".
2. Prayers. Muslims must kneel and bow in the direction of
3. Alms. Muslim Law requires giving one-fortieth of his income to the widows, the sick and other unfortunates.
4. Ramadan. Muslims are required to fast on the 9th month of the Muslim lunar year for an entire month during daylight hours.
5. Pilgrimage to
Hinduism came into importance around 2000 B.C. It was a religion of hymns, prayers and chants written down in what is known as the book of Vedic. The Vedas are as sacred to the Hindu as the Bible to the Christians. The Hindu Scriptures has many gods and goddesses.
Hindu believes that his soul must go through a long cycle of reincarnation until he eventually reaches the Brahman caste before he can attain the infinite moksha. Christ Himself is believed to have been reincarnated.
What are the differences?
God is formless, abstract, eternal being without attributes. God takes form in trinity as well as millions of other gods.
Good and evil are relative terms. Whatever helps is good, whatever hinders is vice.
Man is justified through devotion, meditation, good deeds and self control.
Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism can point to an individual founder and can look back to the date of its beginning. In some ways, Buddhism is similar to Hinduism from which it evolves. But in the other ways, it is quite different. It is a kind of like Christianity and Islam.
Buddhism today takes a wide variety of forms. But all can be grouped in three major branches of teaching.
The cult system.
Hinayana or the lesser way refers to the belief that only those few who can absolutely follow the way of Buddha to find nirvana. It is dominant in
Mahayana or the greater way teaches that salvation is for all. Buddha was a savior to mankind and can still be called on by the faithful. It is influential in
What are the differences?
Deny existence of a personal God.
Sin is anything which hinders man’s progress. Man is responsible for his own sin. If one does good in life, he/she will be reincarnated into a better being. Or he/she may be demoted down to be some kind of animal in his/her next life.
Man is saved by self-effort only.
Really, as we can see, the different religious texts are indeed different greatly. But they can be summed up in 2 diverse thinking of the East and the West. The Eastern religions of Hindu and Buddhism are abstract, round in circle with no specific direction, and no pattern. One is died to be reincarnated in another object, creature or body. Salvation is through personal good deeds and efforts.
Western religions are on some other wavelengths. They are quite on the opposite. Life is on an excursion with a destination. One is died to destine to two extreme places of Heaven or hell. Salvation is hopeless without grace of the Divine being.
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