Categories: World

How Has the Global Recession Affected Your Family?

Has the sinking economy changed your life?   Tell the world how in a quick video, and your story could be aired on US television program Worldfocus and featured on the Huffington Post.   We want to know, "How has the economic crisis changed your life?"

  • How are you cutting back?
  • Have shops around you closed?
  • Are bills piling up?
  • Can you afford doctors and medicine?
  • How is your family’s life different?

Want to respond? Watch the video question on GroundReport.  Then show us the changes in your life in a short video and upload it to GroundReport with the headline "My Life in the Economic Crisis." The deadline is February 28th, so start filming today.    This topic is the latest from Talk To US, a new partnership between Worldfocus and GroundReport that asks the world for its perspectives on the latest news. We’ve joined forces this time with Huffington Post to learn about your life in the new economy. The most compelling videos will be aired on national TV program Worldfocus, and seen by millions.


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