How Inconvenient for Gore: No More "Global Warming"

The more that things change, the more they stay the same.

On December 19th of 2007, David Whitehouse, a PhD in astrophysics who was BBC Science Correspondent from 1988 to1998, Science Editor for BBC News Online from 1998 to 2006, and the 2004 European Internet Journalist of the Year, published in an article, "The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 and every year since 2001."

The scientist-journalist’s article asserted that even if AGW (anthropocentric global warming or, if you will, man-made catastrophic climate change) does have any measure of reality behind it, it has clearly ceased and desisted. And he makes it abundantly clear that there is no argument to be made about the measured fact that the globe has not warmed for the last 10 years.

This is a very inconvenient truth for many.

Those Chicken Littles who feel a twisted need to declare with something frighteningly close to pride that, thanks to the purblind actions of the human species, the sky is falling would find this fact an inconvenient truth. All those "environmental journalists" (whatever that is) whose jobs really depend on discovering yet more bad news centered on carbon dioxide certainly find this an inconvenient truth.

And Al Gore and all of his political cronies and special interest lobbyists who have enormous sums of money staked on AGW alarmism would really find this fact of the global warming cessation an inconvenient truth-that is, if they were ever going to admit to it in their lifetimes.

But what’s more, this is hardly the only inconvenient truth pointing to the out and out pseudo-religion sham that is AGW.

Not only has a British High Court recently announced that there are a minimum of nine egregious scientific errors in his AGW alarmist overture, "An Inconvenient Truth", but there are in fact a minimum of 23 demonstrably false claims or blatantly erroneous conclusions made by Gore’s myriad backers, believers, bureaucratic allies, and business partners.

These inconvenient truths are why over 19,000 American basic and applied scientists, of which nearly 70% hold advanced degrees, have signed the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine’s Global Warming Petition. The signers of this important Petition understand that "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate."

Even the Pope has said that the climate change science is a far cry from settled and that the consensus on the cause of climate change is, inconveniently, non-existent.

The scientifically literate know that no science is ever settled (because science is a process), just like they understand that in science there cannot be any extraordinary evidence required-or presented-because there is no such thing as an extraordinary scientific claim.

They also understand the very inconvenient truth for the politicians: scientific fact never rests upon and never requires any "consensus".

The Earth’s climate is, indeed, changing-because the Earth’s climate has been changing for billions of years, and it will always change.

So what can mankind do about climate change? The inconvenient truth for so many is: just prepare for it, and stop being afraid of it. We cannot stop it, for we do not cause it, any more than the Martians’ carbon footprints are driving the global warming on Mars.

So why the twisted need of the hubris-riddled Chicken Littles to blame ourselves for climate change?

Well, as author, philosopher, and pilot Richard Bach says, "If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it. If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim."

But, we don’t need to be the victims of climate change; because every prediction of the AGW alarmists has been wrong, is wrong, and will be wrong. We just need to stop being afraid and start being prepared for some mostly minor societal adjustments.

David Brant: Visionary novelist, poet, journalist, and essayist.
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