by Donald Croft Brickner
I really want to write something much longer than I am here and now — but it’s just still too soon to do so. It’s really hard to discuss much of anything sophisticated (much less substantial) when both the Facts and the Truth are typically shunned, both here in America and elsewhere.
It’s part of the times, along with The Process (that IS leading to a much brighter tomorrow) — and the still-impenetrable Embracing of Denial that’s increasingly spreading just about everywhere. Some of that is being aided by the loss of a true free press … particularly now, and even on the Webb, of all places, where it’s easier to sidestep stuff! In order to hear the truth, folks need to desire that first and foremost. But it’s just not happening for now. There are a lot of true prophets — or, what Jane Roberts’ “Seth” had once labelled “speakers” who would appear around this era — and yes, yes, I’m internally driven, duly learned, and emotionally “structured” to be one of them.
It’s not that I’ve stopped showing up, per se — it’s been more than a year since I last published an intendedly diagnostic essay — it’s just that no words will get through to much of anybody right now. We need some major shock and jolt first, to torpedo the bullish complacency.
Regardless: my admission, above — not the first time I’ve suggested it — is to be taken with a grain of salt. You may not believe it, but classic prophets (such as I guess I may be) require a Listernership, I’m learning — even if such an audience is disbelieving and rolling its eyes. That IS what those who listen to what prophets have to say tend to DO. Check it out: It’s all pre-Biblical.
Yet I’m more than that: I’m old, chubby and anxious, and all in a silently neurotic way. I live alone (no one will as yet have me as a companion), and I no longer drive a car — mine died (I can’t begin to afford a replacement these days, either, because I’m also really poor; oh, a new bike — maybe). For now, I ride buses and limp around on my healing broken ankle. It’s all part and parcel of “being” a prophet — I’m serious!
You just suck it up, and take the Bad with the rest of the Bad. Beyond that, one’s responsibility in such a rare avocation is to Keep the Faith — and strive, ever strive, to be constructively optimistic (and fun, when in fashion) amid all of your flatly delivered bad news.
So — how’re things shaking?:
Just like every scientist worth his or her salt has been telling us daily … in part, because so few of us as yet truly believe it (!!!) … Climate Change is here. You like tornadoes, fires, floods, lost housing, marked drops or rises in temperatures, and all of THAT grief? Well, it’s here — and it deserves to be. We let our preposterous greed get the best of us, which it’s still doing (per our orders), incredibly, even today. Will it get better again? Probably. We’re at something of a fork in the road here, but haughty capitalists are finding they’re going to have to cave in a little bit on their imposed materialism-only restrictions: their houses are under fire, too, so to speak, as well.
BTW — one can still practice capitalism without being greedy about it. But it’s probably going to take some hearty constitutional amendment, which will surely cometh in time. The sooner, the better. Our planet Suffereths.
Equal everything, as regarding human beings, also appears likely. How could it not? Aren’t you sick of all the endless wailing in losses on TV yet?
Guys, seriously: what’s going on is not the latest NCIS installment. It’s real.
Climate Change, I suspect, may prove to be the final catalyst for global financial undoings. In such an instance, personal suffering will outweigh the mega-losses in capital — most of which aren’t even real. (Get it yet?)
Finally, for now, this: I’m reading a nicely-written book about atheism, and if it leads to where I think it will, I’m hoping to write a generous, if critical, response. I’m big on spirituality — as The Real Deal — which needn’t have a church to promote it. To the contrary: most murdering is still done in the name of somebody’s (yes, half-baked, never mind misinterpreted) religion.
Well? Well!
And for now, there you have it. It’s fun to write about all of this again, only I’m growing pretty weary. I’m getting old, you see — even if you’re not.
Winking — with all my love.
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