How to Consume Cannabis Without Smoking It

There are hundreds of studies being conducted about the medical benefits of cannabis. So far, we know it is effective at providing pain management and anxiety relief. Smoking has been the most popular method of consumption, but that comes with inhaling harmful toxins. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to consume cannabis without experiencing the harmful effects of smoking. Here are just a few methods you can use to get your dosing right.


Edibles are tricky to make from scratch, but there are plenty of retail edibles sold at dispensaries that have guaranteed dosage guidelines. If you’re set on making your own edibles from home, consider using infused oil rather than butter. The high-fat content of butter will retain the chlorophyll found in any plant matter you infuse. Oil does not do this but still absorbs active compounds like THC and CBD. Edibles can be one of the most effective ways to treat patients that cannot smoke. Some edibles are intended for epilepsy patients to help manage their seizures.


Tinctures are another option for anyone who prefers not to smoke cannabis. These sublingual compounds are administered as often as needed. Because the medicine is applied directly under the tongue, relief can often be felt within minutes, unlike edibles. Most tinctures are created using alcohol, so they might not be a good option for anyone with a dependency. Most dispensaries that carry tinctures will offer both alcoholic and non-alcoholic tinctures for their patients.


For cannabis consumers who want to feel of smoking without the harmful side effects, vaporizing is a better alternative. Both dry herb and concentrates can be vaporized, depending on the device used. Vaping cannabis is considered much healthier than smoking it, which makes it a viable alternative. There are plenty of portable and desktop vaporizers on the market that makes the vaping experience unique. Portable vaporizers like the Vapium LITE and the PAX 3 offer discreet consumption. Vaping cannabis doesn’t produce the same smell that smoking does, either.


Extracts offer a unique way to dose in that they come in many forms. Oil and wax for dabbing are the most common form of extracts available, but some vaporizers also support vaping extracts. Dabbing is the most common method of consuming extracts outside of these vaping pens. Dabbing producers vapor rather than smoke and is completely free of plant matter that could produce harmful toxins when combusted.


Topicals provide localized pain relief and relief from inflammation. They’re an excellent option for anyone who wants the medical benefits that cannabinoids provide without inducing a head-high that is so commonly associated with cannabis. Topicals come in many different shapes and forms. The most common topicals you will find at a dispensary include lotions, balms, shampoo, and soap.

As you can see, there are many different ways to consume cannabis without having to smoke it actively. Cannabis smoke is less harmful than cigarette smoke, but it still contains harmful toxins. You can cut out smoking altogether by using these different methods of cannabis consumption.

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