How to Create Great Social Media Presence and Prosper

Social media is one of the most important marketing fields these days. People spend an insane amount of time on social networks, sometimes even more than one, and it only makes sense for marketers to focus it as a platform for ads. While it may be true that you get a big market by focusing social network ads, this isn’t the only marketing value that you can get from it. It isn’t even the best value!

Experienced social media marketers are capable of creating a steady following for brands, but it takes a valid effort. The only thing that can ensure that you will create an active community around your brand is good content. How do you do that? Here are a few ways.

1. Blogging!

It seems that blogging is everywhere these days, but this isn’t a random occurrence. By creating a blog filled with original content which will refresh on a regular basis, you can get the ammunition you need to engage your followers and fans on social networks. This will enable you to drive traffic to your website as well. Remember, the blog posts need to provide value in order for this to work, so make sure you don’t put out junk.

2. Video Content

Videos are the most commonly shared content on the Web. If you really want people to pay attention and become engaged with your page then this is the way to go. There are two options you can go for:

  • Sharing other people’s interesting videos

  • Sharing your own videos

The latter requires a larger investment but it is very well worth it, since this is not the only possible application a good video material can have.

3. Finding your personality

You need to avoid that bot-like social network appearance. People like to know that there is a human on the other side of the page. If you just mechanically keep repeating the same routine, nobody is going to engage with anything you post.  Remain creative and make sure that you have a consistent personality.

4. Communicate

It is very important that you provide a reaction to comments. You can’t just ignore the people who actually bothered to provide you with a reaction to your content. It is only prudent to answer them, but don’t get into fights with your fans, even if they are obvious trolls. They have nothing to lose in that fight, but you do – your reputation is at stake.

5. Photo Stories

This is an original idea. If you can’t be bothered to create videos, you can use Storries, an interesting app that can help you create original and creative content you can share with your fans. Originality is the key, and it doesn’t take too much time to create an original socially sharable post.

Remain active, that is the key! A social following is something that is built up over time, not something that just blows up as soon as you find the secret ingredient. Hope these tips help!

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