How to Deal with Stress as a Christian? It is Time for the Chaos to End


It’s Time for the Chaos to End
By: Warren Jones
Ephesians 3:9-10 (King James Version)
 9And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
 10To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
Are you angry? Are you bitter? Are you confused? Are you depressed? Are you frustrated?
Many times in life we are overwhelmed with our circumstances and we feel that there is no way at out. Bills are piling up, our relationships are in a mess, our job is going nowhere and your life is in chaos. What are you to do when this happens in you life? 
The one answer that has worked in my life time and time again is all your focus must be on GOD. When your attitude is on GOD you will clearly hear his voice and your help is already in the presence of GOD. The chaos we go through in our lives is to see the will of GOD for us. Our transformation in our life comes from the inside out. 
The problem we face is a spiritual one and the way to end the chaos in our life is through our relationship with GOD. We must become what GOD wants us to be and recognize who we are currently. When we understand that the will of GOD is an activity that occurs daily because the word of GOD is living day by day. The more we read
GOD is ready to change us from this day forth, but you must be presented the life changing message of Jesus Christ if you do not know Him, and then be shown how you can be personally transformed as you grow spiritually into a disciple of Jesus Christ. 
When your spiritual life with GOD is properly functioning, the net result will be that the chaos in your life will end. You will then be able to impact your family, your community, your workplace and the world because you will understand that the chaos in your life was for the glory of GOD to be revealed. 
Realize that the answers for the chaos in your life can be found in GOD’s word the Bible. Real chaos in your life can only change with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, GOD in the flesh, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind and bodily arose from the dead. When the chaos in our life changes your family will be strengthened and relationships will be healed. It is time for you to bring light and hope plunged in darkness and despair today. 
Warren Jones: Warren Jones is a writer that enjoys writing on the subjects of sports, religion, music, and other topics that he finds relative. The reader must think about what is being written. He always strives to make his articles clear and easy to understand.
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