Just a few tips to let you know you need to keep looking.
Whenever the job market is tight, employers will aggressively challenge their current employees with extra job tasks. This is merely a strategic move in moving them into lower positions or worse, out of the company to join the ranks of an overcrowded job-hunting market. What does that mean for someone like you? I am so glad you asked.
While possibilities may open up for you, you may not only want to brush up your resume to land that interview, you may also want to be aware of the signs to look for to aid you in knowing, well, you did not have the stuff to land the job.
Here are the key signs that you need to keep pounding the pavement:
- If the interviewer extends you a hug, and typically, this will come via a female, just know that you screwed up the interview, like, really bad. Not only that, but know that she pities you and think you are pretty much going to screw up on your next interview because you were just that horrible. It really is up to you as to how you receive this nontraditional conclusion of an interview. If you are desperate, you may think she really liked you and the job it yours. Though, believe me, your feelings of desperation will wear off after about three days when that much expected call never rings your phone. Let me be the first to encourage you to keep your head up. At least you got a hug and you probably needed that more than the B.S. you may have had to put up with at that job.
- Should the question, "Have you applied anywhere else?" comes up somewhere in the interview, be assured that you will not be the candidate to fill the position for which you are interviewing. Not only is this an insensitive question, somebody’s mother did a poor job of raising that person who interviewed you and worse, this is the person who pretty much makes decisions within the company. How much etiquette can you envision within the company if someone is as tasteless as to ask a person who desperately needs an income whether they are still looking for employment? Do you not think that is a ridiculous question given the state of the economy? Is the interviewer some kind of narcissist to think they are so great that you would not have the intelligence to apply for positions at other companies? Should this be a question you are presented with, immediately question the professional etiquette of the company. Hold your head up high when you walk away. Someone who insults you is not worth holding your head down for.
- Do not be lead into thinking you are such a strong candidate when the interviewer informs you the company will continue to interview. In some cases, it is all a numbers game. Companies are required to select so many prospective job hunters to give the perception of equal opportunity. In some instances, the company may already have a candidate in mind, perhaps a neighbor or somebody’s cousin name Bob Smith, from around the corner. Be suspicious of this kind of language and again, keep your head up. Chalk it up as experience you have gained in interviewing. The job will come that is right for the particular skills you have.
I do hope this has been an eye-opener for you. If in any way, you picked up on negative connotations, this is not to discourage you. In the meantime, write out a list of what your special skills are and match them with what your passion is. Either this should direct you in a different direction for your job search or bring out the entrepreneurial spirit in you. Trust me, there is something you can do to bring in a source of income with what the universe had provided you.
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