How to escape the eys of Paparazee

Guess how to escape the prying eyes of the Paparazee; Do not go out anywhere at the night time.

This is the forumula followed by Starlet Christina Ricii, the star of the Speed Racer. She refuses to go out at night to prevent the paparazee taking out her pictures. She declares hereself  a day celebrity.

It is not as if this 28 year old damsel has never been out in the night. She nostalgically remembers those years when she was living in New York. During those night clubbing age, she admits that she had committed all the mistakes by going to the bars and clubs but the only difference according to her between now and then, at that time, this ‘blood-lust culture’ did not exist. By this she implies the present tabloid culture  which is sensation hungry and ten or fifteen years ago, the mistakes that were committed were hardly noticed.

Under the cirucumstances, the best solution to the problem is to turn into a daytime celebrity.

Would the  Celebrities take cue out of it  and deprive the paprazee from sensational news culture?


Madhu R:
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