How to Gain Friends and How to Establish a Lasting Friendship

 Having a lot of friends is fun and there are many ways how to gain a lot of them. The first thing to do is to prepare yourself to be a friend. It means that you don’t have to wait for somebody to approach you first. In a social occasion, you must make your presence be felt and look for friendly faces and introduce yourself or have somebody to introduce you.

You must also have to value yourself. Valuing yourself means you must have to developed positive values on yourself before you can give your self as a friend to others. You must also learn to listen to others. You should not monopolized all the conversation and let others shares with their own stories. By doing this, other people would felt that there presence is important too.

You must also learn to keep a secret. If you and your friend have a secret, you must keep it confidential and never disclose it to anyone.

It is also important to have a ready smile, a smile can uplift someone that is gloomy and sad.

You must also be ready to lend a helping hand. You must be ready to help those who needs help, by doing this you can eventually win a lot of friends.

To establish a lasting friendship you should be sincere; it means that you must be true to your friends. You must also serve as a shoulder to lean on to your friends whenever problems come to them. You must also be honest to your friend; that is, valuing the truth and say something that is real. It is also important to be humble and fair,and learn to accept mistakes.

Furthermore, to retain friendship, friends should always balance their work as well as their time so that they can be able to share moments together. They must also encourage their selves in the times of distress and discouragement, and friends should tolerate their individual faults and weaknesses.

Gaining and maintaining friends needs a matter of commitment. You must be committed to keep them and value them like you value a treasure.

You should also be wise in establishing friendship. First you must identify whether an individual posses a negative or positive personalities, characteristics or traits for they can possibly influence you. Establishing friendly relations to positive people will influence you positively.

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