I keep running across very scary articles on the internet on how to create HERF guns and weapons. This always gives me pause, as my imagination run wild with thoughts of terrorists running around zapping people with such weapons.
HERF stands for “High Energy Radio Frequency” – and they represent a scary new trend in the evolution of warfare. They no longer represent just science fiction – but “science fact” in many cases.
On-line you can read of various amateurish attempts to created HERF type portable weapons.
Some are more viable than others…but the number of sites devoted to this topic seem to be increasing at an exponential rate, which frankly speaking, “scares the sh*t out of me.”
One site in particular gives all the information you need to make a HERF gun off the shelf, using a 800 watt Microwave oven that had a range of 50 ft that was demonstrated in a field tests and photographs to take out video cameras at 20 feet (source: “How to make a HERF weapon” www.topsight.net/article.php/20021115142933894) .
The author explains and photographs all his experiments and shows how even an idiot can make their own HERF gun by simply taking apart a microwave and fitting a wave-guide and cone around the magnetron.
HERE guns can be made inexpensively (under $400.00) and aimed at anything electronic and would permanently destroy it.
The items needed of the shelve to construct a HERF device are pretty basic and consist of the following:
1) Old (Working!) Microwave oven.
2) Aluminum/Tin Foil
3) Aluminum/Tin Tape & Duct Tape (come on man, next to the WD-40)
4) Parts for Triggering Circuit!
5) Wood, of suitable size (1×1) to make a frame.
6) Wire (house wire, or extension cord.)
7) Parabolic Dish. (Or a Metal Salad Bowl!)
8) A will to die.
(Source: http://www.nettwerked.net/EM-HERF_Weapons_p1.txt).
See also article: HERF Guns zap more than your dinner plate – http://hackaday.com/2011/03/21/herf-gun-zaps-more-than-your-dinner/).