How to make an email advertisement

When it comes to marketing, this is the best way to get someone’s attention – emails. The sure thing is that everyone you know is using the internet, even your grandparents – because it’s easy to use it and it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. When you’re aware of the fact that people are doing most of their shopping using the net, don’t you come to a conclusion that that’s the best way to show what you have to offer?

Making a good ad email is not as easy as it sounds. You don’t have to have a major in marketing, but you should know a couple of things to actually make it work. It’s like a layout of products when you enter a store. The most expensive ones are on the first shelves you see and as you move toward the end, they get cheaper. And products are not colorful without a particular reason – girlish products have beautiful women on them and the ones for boys have handsome men on bottles and packages. It’s cunning and mean, but it’s not really a deception if we all know about it.

So, that is how your email should look like. You have to be smart and draw attention. Lucky for you, there’s a whole psychology when it comes to any kind of marketing, so it won’t be hard to get to the information you need. The best way is to read everything you can about it and gather the best tips. Here are just some guiding lines.

The subject line is one of the most important things because that is crucial for your customer. Think about it yourself – do you read emails with boring subjects? You shouldn’t write things that aren’t true and write subjects like “How to earn money” because no one reads these spam-letters anymore. Take your time and create a catchy phrase, something funny and witty or something that rimes. Whatever you decide, it’s necessary to mention what your email is about. That was the point, wasn’t it?

It’s always positive when your email has a link that leads to some of your discounts, or in an alternative case – to some other company’s discount. People adore coupons and everything that’s on sale even if they don’t need it now because they have a feeling of getting something for free. The trick is to sound urgent, and write something like “only a few left” or “limited edition” or “next twenty-four hours offer for our best clients”. You can find some tips and more about it here and you’ll be ready to use them on an everyday basis.

Also, you should think about the fonts you’re using and where you put your highlights. Fonts need to be readable and understandable because no one is going to read an email that they can barely see. Also, an important thing is what tone you’re using with your future customer. Be polite and quick – no one likes rude and long emails. It’s important that you don’t lose yourself in all these tips and forget what you wanted to write about in the first place. Tell a bit about your company, offers that you are going to have, where they can find you and so on. Contact information in emails is what most people want to find when they’re done reading it, so it’s convenient to put it in the end. Here is an example of what contact information should look like.

After you’re satisfied with the email you’ve written, it’s time for the contact list. You should start with the customers you already have and the ones that are visiting your store. Except for that, you may put an ad on a website that has some kind of connection with the business you lead, like the tools they’d need to get something they sell done – you’ll find a connection. Also, make sure that you have the “recommend us to a friend” part, because that’s the fastest way to spread the word about your products. Here’s another tip – have one of those “where you’ve heard about us” survey to find out what kind of your ads need more work on and which ones are doing their job.

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