There are numerous field service businesses currently out there. It could be a company that sets up internet for individuals or perhaps installs those satellite dishes so people can watch their favorite television programs. Whatever the case, field service businesses are always in demand and on the go as they rush from one client’s house to another. It is a fast-paced business where the employees always have to be on their toes.
With this in mind, there are ways to make a field service business run smoother. These little things can make all the difference and allow you to handle more customers every day.
Communicate with the Customer
Many times, the field-service business requires showing up at someone’s residence to make a repair of some sort. Rather than walking in blind and not knowing what you are getting yourself into, having an online questionnaire for the customer to fill out ahead of time should give you an idea on how to fix their problem before you even knock on their door. Having something like this in place could save employees some serious time and allow them to service more people throughout the day.
Choose the Right Software
Besides strengthening communication with your customers, you must also communicate well within the company. FieldAware is software that was specifically created for mobile field service management. All employees will be informed and connected without the need for constant phone calls going back and forth. Dispatch management will be streamlined as everyone is always on the same page.
Have a Good Scheduler in Place
If the person who is making the schedule does not realize exactly how much time each stop will make, it can make for a long day. After all, if you tell a customer that you are going to be there between 10:00 and 2:00 and the field-service agent can’t get there until 4:00, there are going to be some unhappy people. A good scheduler will have the company running like a finely tuned clock.
Keep a Good Attitude at All Times
It is easy to become a bit of a grouch when you are constantly driving from place to place and many of the customers are unhappy and difficult to deal with. It is part of being in the service industry. But as long as you keep a good attitude and a smile on your face, even the toughest days will go much more smoothly.
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