On November 27th, The day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday will be upon us once again.
However thanks to the bad economy, department stores like Sears are already jumping again and are offering great holiday deals.
For those of you who like the hustle and bustle of Black Friday, here are a few tips to the get the most of one of the busiest shopping days of the year.
Find three or more friends or family members who are willing to wake up early for Black Friday. Designate someone’s home to be the meeting place for Friday morning and meeting time that is best for everyone, (2AM might be best, 3AM at the latest). Some stores might open at midnight, so discuss if there will be person who will take that store and some of the other early openers.
Assign a store(s) to each person and go over the ads the night before or look online a few days before to see what items should be on your list or maybe taken off.
Read the rest at http://www.ehow.com/how_5638836_organize-black-friday-crew.html
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