Experts advise to take some prevention measures to prevent being infected by swine flu. Normally, flu viruses disappear with warm weather, but swine flu is continuing to spread proving ‘it is resilient.’ WHO has advised all to limit unnecessary travel and gatherings.
Transmission of Swine Flu
Swine flu is spread as follows:
Touching infected objects
Touching nose, mouth and/or eyes with infected hands
Muscle aches
Sore throat
Runny nose
Lack of appetite
Higher Risk Individuals
Those at higher risk include those with the following:
Age of 65 years or older
Chronic health problems (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease)
Pregnant women
Young children
Sinus infections
Ear infections
Some step of prevention
Step 1: Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing
Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; ideally use something disposable like a tissue. Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth too frequently with your hands since swine flu appears to be transmitted through respiratory droplets in the same fashion as the common cold.
Step 2:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and water since swine flu like other viruses can be contracted by touching objects contaminated by the virus. It’s unsure how long the swine flu virus can survive on surrounding surfaces.
Though alcohol based hand sanitizers don’t routinely kill viruses they probably do offer some limited protection in preventing swine flu infections.
Step 3: Avoid public gatherings if infection confirmed
If swine flu infections have been medically confirmed in your area consider avoiding large public gatherings. Individuals can be contagious with the swine flu virus for several day before demonstrating any signs or symptoms of infection. Be particularly careful about indoor gatherings where air circulates poorly.
Step 4: Use a quality mask
If you are really suspicious don’t mind looking odd then consider wearing a respiratory mask. This barrier method does offer some basic protection against infection though not all masks are created equally. Higher quality masks capable of filtering out some respiratory infections are more expensive.
Step 5: Don’t go to work if start felling symptoms
If you start feeling ill with cold or flu-like symptoms do not go to work. Stay home and begin the usual home remedies for colds and flu.
Step 6: Go to the hospital
If you or any of your family member infected by H1N1 be in touch of local health department or hospital authority.
(information, Experts opinion and Advices has collected from Bangladeshi Media, International journal and some website)
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