It is possible to determine your baby’s sex .For those who tried sex selection through charting and were disappointed, herbal remedy through skillful manipulation of the acid-base content of a woman’s body is offering a new hope.
If a women’s system was predominantly acidic, she would have only baby girls while the alkaline extreme produces baby boys.
For a 50-50 chance of either a baby boy or girl to be the case, a woman’s acid-base balance has to be neutral. A woman ,mother of five, who is a living witness of the technique, had predominantly acidic medium that made her have three girls consecutively.Changing her predominant acidic medium to alkaline, she had a set of twins in February, all boys.
sex selection is very possible. Scientists have done so many researches on it. It works. But it doesn’t work for everybody.But today this is a sure remedy for sex selection. It comes in the form of herbal medication, which will change the system.
When the PH level in the human body is balanced, you can either have a boy or a girl. But when the body tends to be too acidic or too alkaline, the woman will have more boys or more girls. You will find a situation where a woman will have boys all through or girls all through, despite all the efforts she is making to time ovulation, and it will continue that way until you change her system.
There is another theory that says that having boys all through or girls all through could be as a result of a man having predominantly X-chromosome that form girls or predominantly the Y-chromosome that form boys. But there is no man that do not have Y-chromosome. So, a lot of attention is put on the woman, but when the woman’s PH level is changed, she gets the sex of baby she wants. But for you to get that result, the man also must be examined and treated if possible. The man can have low sperm count or no sperm at all, what is referred to as axospermia."
So, what is needed is to t run a test for the woman as well as the man. If the man’s sperm count is low, we treat it, if it is normal, we boost it in cases like this to make the man above average. If the sperm count is high, it is to the advantage of the couple because it will make them have more boys. When the sperm is high, you have more boys, when it is low, you have more girls.
The normal or average sperm count is 60 million sperm cells. We need as much as that for conception because the vagina kills some sperm cells even before the race begin. The vagina acid can massacre over half of the sperm. So, we need the quantity that will swim up, that will make it through the cervix. Some will still go up the wrong tube, at the end of it all, you have little sperm cells that make the race. So, we need an average of 60 million sperm cells for guaranteed conception, no story.
As you are considering a the man, you are also looking at the woman. Because the egg must be there, they must be very healthy, they must be very fertile. If the woman’s system is too acidic; it kills a lot of sperm, especially the Y-chromosome sperm cells that bring the male child. Because the Y-chromosome is smaller and more miniature then the X-chromosome. The killing of the Y-chromosomes reduces the quantity of it and makes the woman to have a girl. So, the acidic medium kills and weakens the Y-chromosomal cells making the X-chromosome to over-take, to bring about a baby girl."
But the first and major thing the woman needs do, is to check out the system, whether it is alkaline or acidic. Women who are acidic look for boys because they keep having girls, while women who are alkaline keep having boys and look for girls. You will see a woman who is having the seventh child just to have a girl, and unless she changes her system from alkaline to acidic, she will still have a boy. We can do that easily in my clinic, it doesn’t take time, within a month or six weeks utmost, we change the woman’s system.
If the system is acidic, the women will be having girls all through, we change the system and make it more alkaline. Another thing is that once the system is changed, the woman will keep having the same sex of babies until you turn it to normal. For instance, if a woman is having girls all through and you change the system, through the herbs she is taking, to alkaline, she will start having boys all through. If she desires a girl, she will not have a girl again until she changes the system to be acidic medium. When the system becomes balanced, which will happen over the years, she will then have either a boy or a girl.
Most people naturally have a balanced body, neither too alkaline nor too acidic.
When it happens that way, the woman will give birth to either a boy or a girl. It will be a 50-50 chance.
"So, for sex selection, mating on the 15th or 16th day of ovulation may work, but not for everybody. When the body is in the normal PH level, which is 7, it is okay, it can happen, but when it is not like that, it is not possible, you can’t achieve it."