HRD Ministry of India Set to Approve 3 Minority Universities

The Minority Affairs Ministry (MAM) of Government of India has recommended setting up of three Universities, especially for minorities, where in essence up to 50% reservation can be made for Muslims only. The Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry is set to approve the proposal soon to start the universities in Bangalore in Karnataka, Ajmer in Rajasthan and Kishanganj in Bihar.

The Universities will be part of 30 universities to be set up in the country during 11th five-year plan period as promised by UPA government. Presently only Aligarh Muslim University is the only university that enjoys the ‘Minority’ status. But the ‘minority status’ of this university is Sub-Judie under Supreme Court.

As per an MAM official, these universities are aimed as central government funded and would be given enough autonomy to cater to the need of Muslim community in particular. The universities are being set up in the light of the Sachhar Committee report pointing out that the Muslim community have only 4% undergraduate students compared to 13.4% population share in the country.

As the plan to start these minority universities comes just ahead of Parliamentary elections due in April’09, the opposition, particularly BJP, sees this as ‘Politics of appeasement.’


Santosh Kumar Agarwal: Born on 6th Nov,1947 in East Pakistan (Presently Bangladesh), migrated to India along with parents at age one. Brought up in West Bengal province of India. Graduated with Physics Honors from Scottish Church College of Calcutta and later did Master of Technology from Calcutta University securing first class fifth position in electrical engineering. .

I have interest in science and technology, law, social science, politics, religion and work as a social worker also. I can fluently read, write and speak Hindi, English and Bengali apart from a couple of local dialects. .

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