Human Eye: Part 3

Human Eye: Part 3

Of all our senses the eyes are the ones relied most upon for our connection to the rest of life.  Without sight the view of our world begins to dim in more ways than one.

It’s estimated that 2 million in the U.S. alone are afflicted with cataracts. Cataracts appear to be a preventable condition and one would think with that many sufferers there’d be an enormous amount of information pertaining to prevention. If that’s the case why don’t we hear more about it?  Over 450,000 cataract surgeries are performed every year and the price tag for the procedures total about 1.5 billion dollars yearly.  But, we have to take our share of the blame because the following information has been around for generations.

The lens of the eye, along with some other body parts, never stops growing.  We shed our skin, cut our hair or nails, all of these grow from the inside out in order to make way for new cells.  The eye grows in a different manner.  The new eye cells are along the outside of the circle where the most blood and nutrients are.  When the older inner cells begin to die they can’t be sloughed off or trimmed.    

As we age our nutrient and oxygen cellular deliveryman begins to slow down.  As the older inner cells begin to die and pile up, they thicken the eye’s lens and it becomes opaque and clouded.  When that results there isn’t enough light striking the retina or the eye can’t focus.  Generally the onset of the cataract is slow, gradual and painless.  Occasionally a cataract may swell and become secondary glaucoma.

Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness in the world.  Diet is a large factor.  I’m a middle of the road kind of guy where diet is concerned.  Cataracts are a reason not to have excessive carbohydrates in the diet.  Our bodies run on glucose.  Glucose is manufactured in the body primarily from carbohydrates.  There are certain parts of the body that don’t require glucose with parts of the eye being one.  The eye requires sorbitol not glucose.  If there is an excess of glucose in the body from high carbohydrates and it’s converted into an excess of sorbitol, which is then stored in the eye, cataracts are the result.  The body has a difficult time removing excess sorbitol with deterioration and thickening of the lens of the eye being the outcome.

One of the problems with carbohydrates is making a differentiation between the good, bad and the ugly.  The triple dipped, sugar soaked peanut, chocolate/caramel candy bar for lunch may taste good but it’s bad for our health.  If we think refined sugars, which are pure carbohydrates, are the same as complex carbohydrates like whole grains, etc., things will get ugly.  Refined sugars bypass the normal digestion process going directly to the small intestine where they’re absorbed into the bloodstream.  That’s why we get a rush from the candy bars, sugar coated cereal, etc. and not from complex carbohydrates.  Simple, refined sugars move from the fluid in the eye into the lens causing thickening and clouding with cataracts being the result.  If we can see our way, before we can’t see at all, to allow the brain to make the decisions concerning diet instead of our taste buds, we can lower our chances of cataracts.  

By increasing the circulation in the eye and making more oxygen and nutrients available to the lens, this is the case with the entire body, we slow the aging processes.  There is no one nutritional silver bullet but there are some nutrients that can be very beneficial.  Keep in mind that prevention is possible but after the damage is done, vision can rarely be restored without surgical intervention.

Various worldwide research studies have shown that vitamin C and E can decrease the incidence of cataracts.  Vitamin C helps keep the entire eye, lens and arteries that supply oxygen and nutrients, more open and pliable.  Vitamin E helps protect against sorbitol damage in the eye by helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. The lenses of cataract patients and diabetics generally have abnormally high levels of sorbitol.  Zinc deficiencies have been linked to cataract formation.

Diet doesn’t have to be a four-letter word where health is concerned.  There’s lots to eat that can please both the brain and the taste buds.




Larry Miller: I was born in Los Angeles in 1940. My father was a fighter pilot instructor during WWll and we moved from coast to coast, maybe that’s where I got the nomad in my blood. After graduating from high school in 1958 I joined the Marines. That lifestyle wasn’t for me and upon my discharge I went on with my life, and have never looked back. I worked briefly for a Caterpillar dealer in Riverside, CA before moving back to N. California where I was a welder and truck driver for a chemical company. Truck driving wasn’t my calling anymore than being in the Marines, and I went back to work for another Caterpillar dealer steam cleaning dirty tractor parts and welding. They sent me to schools, lots and lots of schools. I spent as much time going to trade schools as I did at work. I went from cleaning parts to apprentice field mechanic, to mechanic to the parts department to satellite store manager in less than two years. They wanted me to move to Sacramento and be a salesman: I moved to Oregon to learn to commune with nature. I went to work for another heavy equipment dealer and was later contacted by the World’s largest Lorraine Crane dealer and offered the position of purchasing agent and general parts manager. In 1967 I was offered a line of automotive parts and supplies and went into business for myself. My business revolved around eleven race cars that we maintained for others, driving race cars professionally and maintaining high end sports cars. I was a championship and regional champion driver. My business was the largest import parts and service, non dealer, in the state until I sold it in 1979. We went sailing in 79, first to Mexico and then Hawaii. I was an award winning Trans-Pacific sailor and sailor of the year, Hawaii, Island of Kauai. An opportunity presented itself in Hawaii during 1981 and I was back in business, importing Japanese auto body and hard parts. I also felt the pull to write and began freelancing for magazines and newspapers in 1982. My main focus in my articles is, and always has been, health, wellness and fitness. Most of us have heard the saying, “Time is all we have.” I disagree. Our health is all we have, because without our health, we have no time. I was a US Olympic team hopeful in racewalking and held all the records for the state of Hawaii. As a sponsored athlete in my forties, I finished first in nine marathons in a row in my division, qualified for the Ironman® and was the state USCF cycling champion five times in Hawaii and Oregon. Celinda and I were married in 1988 after a three year engagement. We sold our businesses and organic farm and sailed back to Oregon. After our sailboat boat was sold, we moved to Joseph, Oregon, two miles from the trailhead into the Eagle Cap Wilderness. We were caregivers for my mother the last ten years she was alive. We moved to New Mexico in 1995 because it was too cold for my mom in Oregon during the winters. Celinda designed, and I engineered and built our strawbale house. I began writing the weekly health column for a local newspaper in 1996, and still do. In 2000, I took the summer off to do a four month, 4000 mile, hike, bike and kayak odyssey. I’d been writing health, fitness and sports articles since 1982 and the journey produced a full-length, nonfiction, first person adventure book, Yol Bolsun, May There Be A Road, which can be bought from Amazon.com and others over the Internet. The summer of 2001 was spent hiking. kayaking, fishing and exploring the southwest. In 2002 Celinda and I spent the summer in Canada learning the hospitality business at a resort in preparation for doing promotion for the resort in the US. Most of 2003 was spent reestablishing the trees and landscape that had died during the stay in Canada. We had a house sitter and the house sitter had an ex-husband, and that’s a long story. In July of 2004 I did a solo kayak trip on the Snake River, taking pictures, writing articles and pencil sketching the journey. I hope to do another kayak adventure on the Snake River during the summer of 2008, on the section I missed in 2000 and 2004. In 2005, I returned to Canada to the resort where we’d spent 2002. I was supposed to be there for the month of June. I’d contacted people I’d met in 2002 and they came back to Canada to fish, hike and spend time at the resort, Echo Valley Ranch and Spa, while I was there. My one month became five and then it was off to Spain to do the El Camino de Santiago as a travel companion with one of the guests who’d returned to Canada in June. During the summer of 2006 a friend from Ireland, who I’d met in Spain the year before, came to visit in NM and we fished, hiked and explored the White Mountains of AZ. He’d never slept out in the wild in a tent before, and it was quite an experience, for both of us. My newspaper articles were put on the Internet beginning in 2002. I was asked to give public speaking engagements, photo and video presentations, on various subjects for the library in Deming, NM and continue to do so. In 2006 I videoed and produced a DVD for the Smithsonian Institute’s travel exhibit “Between Fences.” NMFILMS had a conference by invitation only, which I attended. While attending the conference, I realized that film making wasn’t what I wanted to do but I still wanted to use my sixteen years of experience and enjoyment of videoing and photography. During the winter of 2005, I discovered that no one on record had ever run from the Arizona border to the Texas border, a distance of 165 miles. During the spring and summer of 2006 I trained for the run and the run was completed in October, 2006. In late 2005, I began building and maintaining websites incorporating all the things I enjoyed about video, photography, travel and the out of doors. 2007 has been a summer of upgrading the home and property which resulted in a downgrading of my enthusiasm for being located in one place. If we don’t like what’s happening in our life, we need to change what we’re doing. Celinda and I are ready to pull up roots and move on. I guess I’ve come full circle. I’m ready to revert back to my childhood, and a nomadic lifestyle.
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