Human Rights Act ‘Exploited’ In Britain

The survey has been dated back since 2004 and implemented by the Ministry of Justice. It dates back from 2004 but was recently published. A little over half the Britons that took the survey believe that the HRA is being exploited. About 2,000 people have taken poll.

However, the poll called for more work to be done to correct the public misunderstandings associated with the HRA. While this was commissioned as the Human Rights Insight Project back in 2004, the findings were just recently released.

This act was implemented in 1998 and went into full force in 2000. The HRA covers the right to life, the right to privacy and family life, and the right to freedom of religion.

While the poll suggest that Britons feel values of respect, dignity, equality, and fairness to be very important, most say that the act has been misapplied by refugees, lawyers, and celebrities. 40% of those that took the survey said that the HRA caused more problems than it solved.

So far, Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary has defended the act. He has rejected Conservative calls for the HRA to be scrapped and replaced by a British Bill of Rights.

Can Tran:
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