People have reasons for jumping out of bed every day of their lives and the majority of the reasons are very important to them. I’ve sit down today to analyze the reasons why I want to wake-up to jump out of bed in the mornings and to greet my loved ones. I hope this writing will encourage each of you to think about what makes "you" get up every morning. I’ve not listed "all" the reasons I like to wake-up for but I’ve listed the first five reasons.
My first reason to wake-up is because I love waking-up to feel God’s presence around me and to be part of my life on a daily basis. God’s word is important as I take each journey in my life and I know when I follow His word I will do what is right for my children, husband, and my friends, this gives me the strength to face every day head on and not to look back. I don’t fear the future because I know God is there beside me in all the things I undertake.
My second reason to wake-up is to know I’ve made it through another day to enjoy the love, laughter, and relationships with my entire family and friends. My "family" includes my dear husband who is important in my life and the great endearing relationship we’ve share throughout our lives together. Family is an important part of my life, and it’s great to see what God has led my husband and me to teach and to give to our children throughout their lives. I can see in them every day important factors we’ve taught and instilled in them. Family is precious lives from God and we must nurture them to become good self-confident people.
My third reason to wake-up is to see a ray of light peeping through the binds or see rain drops on the window panes or to see a critter rambling across the lawn scampering for food. Oh the beauty of God’s creation burst my heart with joy every day of my life. I love all it’s creations and enjoy watching everything deliver its reason for life. It’s magnificent to be able to share life with the creations God provided for us to enjoy. I get a high from the richness of earth and its creatures as I sit in a meadow among beautiful blooming flowers, green bushes, shading trees, butterflies flitting to and fro, creatures roaming on the earth, and even fighting the ants from my face or body as I relax.
My fourth reason to wake-up is to know that I live in a country where people cares about others throughout the world as they care, provide, help, and relate to others dire needs. I know I live in a country of freedom which allows me many opportunities in my life. I’m proud of our servicemen and servicewomen who give their lives daily for America. I care about my country and I’m proud to be an American.
My fifth reason to wake-up is to face the challenges of life and all of its intricacies. The ability to look life in the face, and to say, "I love you regardless of what you’re about to bring my way today. I’m going to love my neighbors, friends, co-workers, and family with every inch of my life and I’m going to make the best of life for as long as I have it. I’ll not cave into your trials and tribulations but I’ll face them with the energy and the stability God grants me.
Readers this is my reasons for waking up every day of my life, and I do hope, this will give you an opportunity to "think" about why you wake-up every day too.
Sole Writer of This Article is Barbara Kasey Smith