On December 15, 2013 Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming asked for and was granted permission to address the United States Senate for a few minutes to complain about a host of issues on the Senate floor.
One of which is our “revenue problem.”
“We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. We shouldn’t raise taxes in order for Washington to spend more. We cannot spend our way to prosperity. Identifying a process forward for tax reform is where part of our efforts on the budget conference should be focused. If done correctly, tax reform will help to generate additional revenue through economic growth to reduce the deficits and pay down the debt. I am ready to make that happen.”
“We need to prioritize spending cuts–find the spending cuts that will do the least harm and start there. It worked here in Wyoming, and it can work in Washington. Raising taxes to offset more spending is not the path forward. Reigning in out-of-control spending is”, he said.
“I sit up nights worrying about our Nation’s debt and how it will affect Wyoming children, my children and grandchildren. This was a chance to apply reasonable constraints to impossibly high future spending, but instead we got more spending and no plan to solve the problem”, said Senator Enzi (source: Congressional Record http://thomas.loc.gov/).
See related video: Banned commerical dealing with the National debt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYKAbRK_wKA
See video: Senator Enzi decries the debt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u52TfzBNDQg
See video: Enzi responds to constituents concerns about Eric Holders, backroom deal to raise the debt ceiling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbSpV6IS2VE