Ideas rule the world

    Ideas rule the world, whether it be politics, science and technology, business or the personal lives of humanbeings.

    An idea is nothing but a thought that emanates from the human brain and applied to a given situation or problem come across by the humanbeings in their various walks of life,in various fields.

    Mankind has undergone many an evolution from the days when he had been a nomad in the ancient days to this date to an ultramodern civilisation only because of his ideas.

    The man once so crude has invented many things like fire,means of travel, place of residence,transportation,clothes etc that clearly lifted him in the plane of civilisation but also transformed him into a cultured man.

     Again during the age of renaissance and in the age of industrial revolution, man became an unassailable force.The discoveries and inventions of mankind not only lifted his culture but also widened his scope and horizon.

    In the faculty of science, ideas of mankind,has made him to scale unfathomable heights.For example the tireless efforts and the ideas of Thomas Alva Edison alone made him invent many an inventions like bulb,grama phone etc and he has been credited with more than thousand inventions.Similarly the invention of telephone by Graham Bell revolutionised the field of communication and now the world has shrunk and become so small by the use of mobile phones.Similarly the invention of Aeroplane by Right brothers has led to further inventions and we travel by jets and Air buses.The invention of Steam power and the steam engine has led to further innovations and we now travel by the fastest trains at over 500 km per hour.Similarly science has completely transformed the man in other areas and in fact his growth is simply marvelous and monstrous and now man is afraid of another man.It was Einstein whose theory of relativity led to the invention of atomic bomb and different kinds and varieties of nuclear weapons which had its own ramification in the arms trade and of course in politics, where the nuclear powers actually dominate over the smaller countries, through a number of treaties like NPT.

    In politics also, from time immemorial, ideas had been ruling the world.Nomadic man at first became a monarch, then other forms of governance developped through centuries,like democracy, military dictatorship, politics in its perverted forms like Fascism, Nazism etc.It was the idea of man that prompted him to explore and expand.The wild ideas of man for expansion actually led to the outbreak of wars and in particular the world wars.Again it was idea of man that led to the discovery of dispute resolving machinary through league of Nations and the United Nations etc.

     In the field of economics,the age old barter system gradually evolved and paved the way for the discovery of currency by different countries, which play a major role in the modern economy.Man’ s innovative ideas in the field of economics led to many astonishing  developments like trade, banking system, shares, stock markets etc which are actually shaking the modern world.

       Whenever a man is in a crisis he always comes up with an innovative idea whether it be science and technology, economics or politics.When man faced the evils of industrial revolution. the idea of socialism and communism were born. Similarly when Abraham Lincoln was facing the crisis of civil war, he came up with the idea of emancipation of the slaves.

     While ideas rule the world,sometimes the ideas clash, which result in the creation of newer problems or newer concepts.For example when capitalism clashes with the socialism a new concept cold war developped and the world became bipolar.

    Similarly newer ideas drive away the older owns since they are obsolete.But the mankind  survives. 





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