If You Have Limited Mobility or Time and Need Help Shopping, Try a Concierge Service

When you’re laid up and cannot drive or walk around much, getting groceries and doing other chores is difficult to impossible to do. What can a person living alone do in this situation? Try using a concierge service, who can offer services like going to the grocery store for you. The ranges of costs and services vary, so shop around and see who gives you the best deal for your money. Make sure that the service is bonded, licensed and insured for your peace of mind and safety.

What other services do concierges offer besides shopping for their clients? My concierge offers pet sitting when I’m out of town. I don’t let just anyone into my home while I’m on vacation, but I trust them because we have an ongoing relationship. Concierges can also do errands for you like waiting for the phone or cable installer to show up. They are there to make your life easier.

Do you have to be rich to use the services of a concierge? Having a good income helps, but you don’t need to be well-off to employ a concierge. Just call them on an as needed basis, and get the pricing up front. If you like the quoted price, then do it, if not, you can always shop around. Once you have an established relationship with a concierge, they are more willing to cut you deals, from my experience.

Who uses the services of concierges? Anyone can. A new mother who cannot leave her baby or find a babysitter, someone handicapped who cannot walk or drive. Did your car stop working and you need groceries? Have the concierge help instead of taking a taxi. Busy professionals who have limited time may want to use a concierge to do projects or errands for them that they have no time to do themselves. It’s hard to run to the post office or go get the right gift for someone when you cannot get away from work and have an important deadline. I know, I’ve been there myself. Time is precious, so it is a breeze to tell the concierge in writing what to buy, and he will go get it for you, or take it to the post office and have it sent. Simple and easy.

How does payment work? Each company has their own way of doing business but mine takes my grocery list over the internet, does the shopping on the day I want it done, then brings it over to my place. The more groceries I buy, the more the concierge charges. At delivery, I pay by check or credit card. It’s that easy. They can help me put my groceries away but I don’t take them up on that. It’s nice to know they will help further than just making the delivery, if you need the help, though.

When you need help, just go on the internet or look in your local yellow pages for a concierge service to come to the rescue. It is a good feeling to know that you don’t have to go it alone. It just takes finding someone to hire that you feel comfortable with. Once you see how easy it is to use them, whenever a new situation arises, you know who to call. The security and peace of mind is worth their price, so try a concierge today. You may just end up feeling happily spoiled from being treated so well.

Carolyn McFann: Carolyn McFann is a scientific and nature illustrator, who owns Two Purring Cats Design Studio. Educated at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, Carolyn is a seasoned, well-traveled artist, writer and photographer. She has lived and worked in Cancun, Mexico for two years, among other interesting professional assignments in other countries. Clients include nature parks, museums, scientists, corporations and private owners. She has been the subject of tv interviews, articles for newspapers and other popular media venues.
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