If You smoke, Your employer will be fined

 Nobody can question the good  intention of  Government of India taking steps to make the country smoke-free, thereby save the people from the horrors of cancer and in the end tragic deaths.

But the recent step proposed to be taken by the Indian Government as suggested by the Indian Health Minisiter, Dr.Anbumani Ramadass defies logic and racked up unnecessary criticisms.Imposing fine on a person who resort to smoking in public places is OK.But the idea of imposing fine on the organisation to the extent of Rs 5,000/- in which the smoker is employed is simply ridiculous and devoid of any merit and simlpy an idea that emanates from a person who is lacking in mental proportions.

Dr.Anbumani seems to have adopted the theory,‘Rob Peter to pay Sam!’. An organisation can not be held liable or unnecessarily burdened with what its employee is doing when he or she is not on duty.For example, an  employee committs a crime say a theft, a rape or a murder.Can his or her employer,the organisation be held liable for the crimes committed by its employee?

The concerned person who smoke in the public should alone be held liable and accountable.In the name of taking a welfare measure, the Government should not go wild and torture others rather unnecessarily. 

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