I am inquiring about the procedures for filing a law suit in Federal Court for violation of a mothers “constitutional civil and parental rights” to due process and her parental rights to protect her child.
I am a grandmother, that is appalled by the recent actions of the Snohomish County court system; 8 months ago my daughter was talking to her 4 year old; she was explaining; “Good touching and bad touching,” while talking the child stated that her grandfather was touching her between her legs without toilet paper!
During this time the child support service were about to raise the child support in support of the mothers reduction in income since their divorce. My daughter, is a court mandated reporter and is very well established as a responsible hardworking women for over 11 years in the same job and field; behavioral specialist for disabled kids.
After the conversation she went to her phone and called the CPS in Snohomish County, Washington. She was connected with a lady who took her statement and arranged to check on the children at the biological fathers house; since the child were with there fathers when the said, incident happened. The investigation took maybe 2-3 weeks; to interview both homes and parents environments. Once concluded the CPS worker neglected to inform my daughter of the determination of the case, the case was also closed after the grandfather was cleared of the accusation.
T- (my daughter); was not informed of the outcome of the case, nor was she contacted at all by the CPS worker about her finding. I myself as a grand parent got tired of waiting and got the number of the CPS worker, called her explained who I was and asked about the conclusion of the case. I was informed that she could not divulge the findings to anyone who is not the parent of the children; but she did tell me, that the case was closed. I hurriedly hug up the phone and called T. She in response called the CPS worker immediately, after several attempts to contact the lady over the case, she answered. She informed T that there was no evidence that proved she had been being abused.
In response to this T asked the lady why she was not contacted immediately? There was no interest or excuse for why no “case update” on their findings, were sent to the mother who originally made the call for her child. T decided to accept the findings and requested a copy of the final report. She was given this information and realized that in 2 or 3 places in the document is was stated that the CPS investigator had given legal advised as to how to deal with the mother without looking like retaliation…..
So thinking that was the end of the incident; T moved on, less than 3 weeks later T was served with a no contact order stating concern, and fear for his children. She was shocked and decided to go to the courthouse and check about what was going on! She happened to be there a few hours before the case was to be heard by the court. She waited the hear what was happening…..Once I hear what every one thinks about this incident this is not the end of the story! I will continue in Article 2 Thanks for listening all!