Improving US Healthcare Debate: Playing Doctor?

Although I have my own views on improving healthcare in the USA, it is improving the healthcare debate that I wish to address, not the specifics of Obama’s proposals ("Obamacare"). 

From all quarters, quotes are given from doctors, nurses and hospital administrators on improving healthcare in the context of the legislative proposals Congress is considering.  Sometimes the point is made explicit that the speaker or writer’s position is correct because a healthcare professional agrees with it. 

To be sure, the opinions of doctors, nurses and healthcare administrators are of interest because they have both education and experience.

However, just because they are in healthcare does not necessarily mean that their positions are correct or wrong for that matter.

Most bogus of all are summaries of opinions in the form of polls.  If it is said that 61% of doctors endorse X, all that means is that a poll of some fraction of doctors endorse X.  Frequently, the number is not even mentioned.  If we are told 12,000 doctors or nurses oppose X, all that shows is 12,000 people hold an opinion.

Moreover, many of these polls require the person polled to pick a statement that may not exactly represent their own opinion, but only an approximation.

By all means, let us hear from healthcare professionals, but let us ask some questions.  Is their education biased? Is their experience relevant?  What about the opinions of economists, patients, taxpayers, and insurers?  Stop playing name that doctor as a trump card in the game.  -30-

About the author: Richard Cooper is an international trade executive with a manufacturing firm on Long Island, New York, USA. He is active in the Libertarian Party on eminent domain and other issues. He was chair of the Libertarian Party of New York www.ny.lp.org  In 2008, he ran as a Ron Paul delegate in the New York Republican primary.


For an article noting the absence of a healthcare professional in the media, see my










Missing Q&A On Health & The 2008 USA Presidential Race http://

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