When we think about growing our business, we try to determine which strategies are best suited to gain the attention of others. What we really have to do is something that is truly against the grain of us as busiess people. While it is in our instinct to believe that if we spend time and effort; in other words our company resources, in developing products and services, then our goal is to achieve a monetary compensation. This is why we are in business – to make money!
But the question we must ask ourselves when developing a marketing plan, is and alwaus should be, how do I attract new customers into our sales funnel? How can I capture information about my prospects as they initially enter our business’ radar screen.
We have to come to the realization that an integral part of a business person’s DNA is actually to always be contributing and giving something away – for free!
Lets take a look at the other side of the business transaction to better understand what motivates a buyer to get involved with the businesses that provide the products and services they seek. In an effor to understand this perspective, we need to ask some questions…
Why do we as business people do business with others? What drives us as business people to determine which company to purchase products and services from, or form alliances with?
When we as business people are thinking of conducting business with another business, we sit and think about what it is that we look for. What I mean is, what do we seek in terms of information, samples, free trials and demos, that will help sway us. This is the first step that lands us on the radar screen of the seller.
We basically have to come to the realization that the more we are giving away, in terms of free resources, education, products and services, the more we can “hook” a prospect and convince them to enter into our sales funnel.
We seldom spend money without learning something about the product or service first, learn about the company who is selling it, become familiar with the founders of the business, or the creators of the product. This free education gives us the confidence that we are dealing with a reputable business.
So what kinds of free content can we offer prospects? Here are some samples:
1. provide a free product to be used as an entry-point for the consumer, that once consumed, they will want more of the same or desire the next product in the line-up.
2. Provide a video series on the company web site that illustrates how the product was manufactured. Demonstrate quality in manufacturing, and illustrate the the highest regard for providing satisfaction to the consumer.
3. Provide audio/video education that may be consumed to educate about the company, the management team, the industry, the case studies of others who have purchased from you.
4. Provide testimonials of others who have purchased the product or similar products.
5. Provide consumer reports that demonstrate quality and ratings.
6. Provide a newsletter that regularly comunicates with prospects, past customers. Utilize the newsletter as a vehicle to communicate about other products of interest that the company provides.
7. Utilize all media avenues to continually bring back prospects and past customers to your web site by communicating via email and newsltters about new free content on your site.
If one would analyze our DNA it would show that we are givers first, not takers. Those of us who develop a sound marketing plan must incorporate considerable bandwidth into the concepts behind giving something away on a regular basis.
This is what attracts attention to your business!
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