Categories: USWorld


Barack Obama, the democrat presidential candidate of USA is of course a pleasant personality. As a matter of fact, after the collapse of USSR, USA is the only supper power and dominating the world in terms of politics, military and economics. And Barack Obama intending to be the president of the only supper power exists; virtually want to be the world leader. Another fact is that the support around the world for the presidential candidate of USA has a significant level of influence to the voters of this supper power. That is why US presidential candidates comply to announce their Foreign Policy line detailing the Middle East, South Asia and many more.

Bangladesh is a Nation of South Asia, one of the major partners of SAARC, with 150 million people and of course the Nation is in the priority list of US State Office. It could be said that the country is in a very close relationship with the only supper power since her independence in 1971. After that, many times this country has got cooperation from US when natural calamities came, political standstill arose and economical cooperation needed.

In this pattern of relationship, the people of Bangladesh are keenly observing the presidential election process of USA. It is a common subject around the rural and urban areas of Bangladesh that Barack Obama or John McCain who is the better candidate? Who would be better for the interest of Bangladesh? It is a hard truth that Barack Obama is in the leading position.

One political science student of Dhaka University said that democrats are a little bit liberal to the interest of developing countries, so, Obama is better.

A house wife of a middle class dominating locality of Dhaka City told Barack Obama is better, but she does not know by Obama is better.

One day laborer said I know Obama, see him in TV news. He has no idea about John McCain any way.    

Political workers and government officials are keen observers of US presidential race but unwilling to express any free opinion. Left political activists said that no matter Obama or McCain be the president of USA, Bangladesh would be in the same line of diplomacy. May be this comment is true, but it is also true that US presidential race is the much talked about international event in Bangladesh, possibly more than the China Olympic. And Barack Obama is the most talked about international character. #   


Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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