Written by Oiwan Lam, Global Voices
From early 2011, major cities in China have started cleaning up “dangerous” and “low-end” elements of their populations.
The proposal on “population control” was firstly introduced [zh] in the People’s Congress held in Beijing in January 2011. It suggested that in the coming five years, the Chinese capital has to repress population growth; it has been estimated that more than 700,000 people living in the old city will be relocated to the city outskirts. Moreover, “unwanted” and “low-end population” elements of the urban population, such as rural migrants, will be squeezed out of the city altogether.
Population cleansing
Similar population cleansing has also taken place in Shenzhen as part of the “One Hundred Days Movement” starting from April 11, 2011, through to July 31 2011. The city aims to meet its target to get rid of 80,000 “highly dangerous people” to prepare for the 2011 Universiade international university sporting event. As Mary Ann O’Donnell points out in her blog, Shenzhen Noted:
the Universiade clean-up reminds us that yes a hukou [house registration system] matters, not by its presence, but in its absence. Shenzhen is not simply putting in the infrastructure to improve public safety, but has built into that network a tendency to target those who are least able to protect themselves.
She also rightly points out that apart from the crackdown on dissidents, social control happens day-to-day, with door-to-door sweeps, for normal people:
I hope that as discussions of Ai Weiwei’s incarceration continue and as necessary attention is directed at the way the Chinese state surveils its white-collar populations of computer hackers and experimental artists, we also keep in mind Shenzhen’s 80,000 unnamed slackers / hooligans / drifters who are suddenly not here. Surveillance at this lowest of levels occurs through door-to-door sweeps that indiscriminately clean out the good, the bad, and the ugly. Indeed, the lack of documentation about three withouts’ lives, their collective lack of hukou, legal income, and fixed housing means that at the end of the movement, all that remains are traces of what may or may not have happened, which assuage white-collar anxiety, but do not make us safer.
Shenzhen and Beijing are not isolated cases; it is quite clear that the belief is that to impose better social control in urban areas, similar population cleansing would need take place in other major cities. Not-old-nor-spicy is rather pessimistic about the situation [zh]:
北京有“低端人壔,深圳有“高å±äººç¾¤”。知趣的人还是早点走å§ï¼Œä¸è¦ç‰åˆ«äººæ¥èµ¶ä½ 。把漂亮的大都市留给“高端人壔和“高稳人群”å§ã€‚但è€è¾£è¿˜æ˜¯è¦è¯´ã€‚在有钱的地方,穷人是“高å±äººç¾¤”;在我们这ç§ç©·åœ°æ–¹ï¼Œæœ‰é’±äººæ‰æ˜¯“高å±äººç¾¤”。
No-brother points out [zh] that such social control strategy is unlawful, wrong and will end up in creating more social conflict:
本人有以下疑问:1〓高å±äººå£”在法律上是如何界定的?2ã€å“ªäº›è¢«æ¸…ç†å‡ºæ¥çš„“高å±äººå£”被“安置”在何处了?3ã€æ¸…ç†å‡ºæ¥åŽä»–们å†å›žåŽ»æ€Žä¹ˆåŠžï¼Ÿä»¥æˆ‘个人仅有的一点法律常识,总觉得深圳的这ç§åšæ³•æ¬ 妥,有侵犯人æƒä¹‹å«Œï¼
[…] …其三,也是一个最é‡è¦çš„概念è¦åŽ˜æ¸…,这就是“高å±äººå£”还是ä¸æ˜¯å…±å’Œå›½çš„公民。有了这一æ¡ï¼Œå¤§å®¶å°±æ˜Žç™½äº†æ·±åœ³çš„åšæ³•åˆ°åº•æ˜¯å¯¹æ˜¯é”™äº†ã€‚
I have the following questions: 1. How can one define “highly dangerous population” in our law? 2. For those who have been cleaned out, where should they be settled? 3. What if they returned to the city after they have been cleaned out? Based on my limited legal knowledge, the Shenzhen government has violated people’s rights.
[…] …Thirdly, whether or not the “highly dangerous population” are citizens of PRC [People’s Republic of China] is a fundamental concept to be addressed. With such basic understanding, we can understand if the Shenzhen government is right or wrong.
Our country is in a transformative stage, we have a lot of complicated social conflicts. We have to explore effective ways of social management, transforming “social control” into “social management”, “rule of people” into “rule of law”. If all cities follow Shenzhen’s example, what would our society look like? We could not clean all the “highly dangerous population” out of China, right? Shenzhen, please stop doing this!
Creating enemies
Indeed, in an online poll [zh] on the website umiwi last year about Beijing policy against the “low-end population”, more than 85% (1,782 votes) of the respondents were against such kinds of population cleansing measures. Below are three of the most popular comments in the poll:
onghen778:去北京干嘛 实现梦想就一定è¦åŽ»é‚£é‡Œï¼Ÿ 幼稚。 ä¸å›½äººå°±æ˜¯å–œæ¬¢è·Ÿé£Ž å¦å¤–什么å«åšä½Žç«¯äººå£ï¼Ÿ 没钱就å«ä½Žç«¯ 有钱就å«é«˜ç«¯ 人本ä¸åˆ†è´µè´± 是北京人ä¸ç‰äºŽä½ 就是高人一ç‰äº† å°Šé‡å’Œæ•¬ä»°åˆ«äºº ä¸æ˜¯çœ‹ä¸€ä¸ªäººçš„地域æ¥çš„。 2010-08-08 12:33
å°èŠ±å…”转转æ¯ï¼šä»€ä¹ˆå«ä½Žç«¯äººå£ï¼ŸåŒ—京本地人就是北京人å£ä¹ˆï¼Œæœ‰é‚£ä¹ˆå¤šçš„人在为北京的建设åšå‡ºäº†ä¸å¯ç£¨ç的贡献,北京人在享å—çš„åŒæ—¶å±…然 将其化为低端人å£ï¼ŒåŒ—京人就ä¸æ˜¯ä¸å›½äººä¹ˆï¼ŒåŒ—京就ä¸æ˜¯ä¸å›½çš„领土么,那ä¸å›½äººåœ¨ä¸å›½çš„领土上生å˜æœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆä¸å¯¹ï¼Ÿé€‚者生å˜ï¼Œä¸é€‚åº”çš„äººè‡ªç„¶ä¼šç¦»å¼€ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ æ„Ÿåˆ° ä¸é€‚åº”äº†ï¼Œä¹Ÿè®¸åº”è¯¥ä½ ç¦»å¼€ï¼Œè€Œä¸æ˜¯ä»€ä¹ˆæ‰€è°“的低端人å£ã€‚2010-08-08 00:51
欧羊游离:我说“相对论”åŒå¿—,您白嫓相对论”了。既然是相对论,è¯è¦åˆ†ä¸¤å¤´è¯´ã€‚首先,您为什么对å·å…¥åº§ï¼Ÿæ‚¨æ˜¯ä¸æ–‡æ˜Žçš„那一个å—?您 是到处丢垃圾,到处éšåœ°å¤§å°ä¾¿çš„那一个å—?您低头看看您的脚下,黑斑点点那是什么?是ä¸æ–‡æ˜Žçš„人éšåœ°å出的å£é¦™ç³–。如果您的家里æ¥çš„å®¢äººæˆ–äº²æˆšè¿™æ ·ä¸æ–‡æ˜Ž 的糟蹋您的家,您åˆæ€Žæ ·ï¼Ÿæˆ‘相信您ä¸æ˜¯ä¸æ–‡æ˜Žçš„那一个å§ï¼Œæ‚¨æ²¡å¿…è¦å¯¹å·å…¥åº§å§ï¼Ÿç¬¬äºŒï¼Œæˆ‘们之间应该ä¸æ˜¯çŸ›ç›¾çš„,矛盾在上边,上边既然把人分æˆé«˜ä¸ä½Žï¼Œæƒ³å¿… 他认为自己是高端一æ—了,高端的人竟然说出这么没水平的低端的è¯ï¼Œå§‘且ä¸è¯´æ”¿ç–çš„æ£ç¡®ä¸Žå¦ï¼Œå…ˆè¯´è¿™è¯å°±æ˜¯“æ ‘æ•Œ”的。其实北京的百姓和其他城市的百姓一 æ ·ï¼ŒåŒæ ·æ˜¯åœ¨ä»˜å‡ºï¼Œå°±åƒå®¶åºè¿‡æ—¥å,家长主æŒçš„好,儿女团结åˆå顺,家长主æŒçš„ä¸å¥½ï¼Œå„¿å¥³å››åˆ†äº”裂,甚至忤逆乱伦的都有。所以我们都是儿女,都希望在家长 的呵护下过太平日å。您说是å—?我们都是普通人。2010-08-09 10:07
The resentment of the policy has transformed into political parody against the privileged. Below is one of the most popular parodies of the cleansing policy started by [zh] prominent blogger Lianyue on Weibo:
深圳有8万高å±äººå£ï¼Œå…¨ä¸å›½é«˜å±äººç¾¤æœ‰å¤šå°‘?一说全国13亿,ä¸è¿‡æˆ‘认为是8åƒæ¥ä¸‡——他们长期滞留ä¸å›½ï¼Œåˆæ— æ£å½“èŒä¸šï¼Œæ‹‰å¸®ç»“派,具有严密的组织性,长期诋æ¯ä¸å›½äººç´ 质低,适应ä¸äº†äººç±»æ–‡æ˜Žã€‚
So far (April 14, 2011 11:37 am) this thread has received 498 comments, most of them are highly critical of the 80 million highly dangerous population judgement:
……æé€ åŽ†å²æ„šå¼„民众残害百姓……他们ä¸æ˜¯æ»žç•™ä¸å›½ï¼Œè€Œæ˜¯å¯„生ä¸å›½çš„毒瘤。
长期有æ„诋æ¯ä¸å›½äººç´ è´¨ä½Žï¼Œé€ å°±äº†å¾ˆå¤šæ¨é“ä¸æˆé’¢çš„æ€ç»´æ¨¡å¼ï¼Œæ´—了很多人的脑,以掩盖一切乱象æ¥æºäºŽä½“制。
帮会æˆå‘˜å…«åƒä¸‡ï¼Œä¸–ç•Œæœ€å¤§æœ€åš£å¼ æœ€ä¸è¦è„¸çš„黑社会团体
他们é å‘公民收ä¿æŠ¤è´¹è¿‡æ—¥å,且手段越æ¥è¶Šæ®‹æš´ã€‚
…faking history to cheat people… they are not stuck in China, but they consume China like cancer.
They spread a negative image of the Chinese character, create rusty iron-clad mindsets, brainwash a large number of people to cover up chaotic phenomena originated from the political system.
They have 80 million members. It is the biggest, the most nasty and shameless triad society in the world.
They make their living through blackmailing Chinese citizens and they are getting more and more bloody in doing so.
Originally Published at Global Voices: http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/04/18/china-clearing-urban-centers-of-unwanted-people/
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