In Honor of George Putnam

George Putnam died today at the age of 94. Mr. Putnam was a radio host, commentator, and anchorman for seventy four years of his incredible life. The columnist Walter Winchell once described George Putnam as the “Greatest in radio.” George Putnam was born and raised just west of St. Paul Minnesota in the small town of Breckinridge, Minnesota and got his first radio job at the age of twenty at a small station WDGY in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

George Putnam took a break from his career in broadcasting to serve in the US Army and later served in the Marine Corps as a 1st Lieutenant. It was after his time of service was over that he found himself in Los Angeles, California, where his voice and commanding presence made him a staple in the Los Angeles media. However, George was not only a great newsman, but he was a lover of animals and in his latter days had a ranch in Chino, California where he raised Thoroughbred horses.

He also was known to rescue stray dogs and had tight alliances with animal groups. But even more than that George loved people and he had a close relationship with the Boys Republic, also located in Chino, California. The Boys Republic is a community type center where troubled boys go to learn life long skills and how to deal with other people in society. They are probably best known for the beautiful Christmas Wreaths they create every year.

After all of the years I had heard Mr. Putnam speak on his nationally syndicated radio show I feel that I had gotten to know him and I respected him deeply. I did not agree with everything he said but he was a fighter and you knew when you heard him that he believed in what he was doing and saying to the very core of his being. George was a life long Conservative Democrat and on many occasions he could be heard saying, “I would never leave my Party, but it seems that my Party has left me.”

George Putnam had a common sense about him that could only come from years of wisdom and having the inside scoop that a newsman is known for। There are very few left like George Putnam that have that, “Fire in the Belly” that he spoke so much of. To stand up for the truth and to do what was right no matter what the consequences, this was George Putnam. I think one of the things that impressed me a lot about George was his speech where he opposed the creation of the United Nations and stood against the creation of what he perceived to be a “New World Order.”

George Putnam was a good man, a great friend, but more than that the epitome of what a newsman should be. Rest in Peace George, may our Holy Father look after you and keep you forever more.

Nicholos Poma: I have a Bachelors of Science and Information Technology Degree. I served in the United States Army as a tactical communications specialist from 1983 until 1989. I re-enlisted into the service after 911 and before the push into Baghdad. However, in 2005 my term of enlistment was up and I seperated from the service.

My interests include politics, theology, and technology. I am also a singer songwriter and enjoy playing my guitar when the mood strikes me. I run 4 blogs and I write for a few content sites.
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