India celebrates Gandhi’s birthday

Today (Oct. 2) India celebrates the anniversary of the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi who is the Father of the Nation.Mahatma Gandhi’s campaign of peaceful resistance brought an end to British rule leading to Indian independence. Prayers,Ceremonies are offered at venues including Rajghat ( the Gandhi samadhi ) in Delhi and other parts of the country.In America, there are several statues of Mahatma Gandhi including Union Square, New York, Martin Luther King, Jr. Center.One of the finest statues of Mahatma Gandhi in Calcutta since Independence is in Chowranghi -park street intersection.This statue was unveiled by then Chief Minister of West Bengal Bidhan Chandra Roy on Nov.30,1958.This was the work of eminent sculpture Devi Prasad Roychowdhury.The height of the statue is 11ft. and 8 inches.The base on which the statue is standing is 13ft.During the construction of the underground railway project (Metro) in Calcutta the statue was removed temporally to Mayo road and Dafrin Road crossing.Later the statue of former Prime Minister Jawharlal Nehru was unveiled at this place (Dec.9 1989).

Mahatma Gandhi was born on Oct. 2,1869.As a lawyer, he practised in South Africa (1893–1914), where he led equal-rights campaigns.He returned to India in 1914. Mahatma Gandhi organized several non-cooperation movements including the Quit India.  In 1930, he made his famous 400km protest march against infamous salt tax.He was imprisoned for conspiracy. He opposed partition and the creation of a separate Muslim state (Pakistan). When communal violence broke out between between Hindus and Muslims, Gandhi resorted to fasts for peace.He was assassinated by a Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse in New Delhi in 1948.

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