Thanks to the Adobe Youth Voices program, young people in different parts of the world are having the opportunity to experiment with audiovisual equipment and tell their stories from their perspective. Such is the case in India, where youth from many different schools and slums have been making videos to show the world that surrounds them and their concerns. First, a video showing the difference in treatment between girls and boys in India, another one portraying the difficulties a girl has when she has to do household chores and doesn´t have time to do homework for school, and the story of a boy whose parents punish him for failing a course and then starts smoking due to peer pressure.
This first video, Freedom, is described by Meera Sinha in her blog A Year in India:
An interesting side note: Freedom was spearheaded by 17-year-old Mubeen, whom I’ve previously written about here (and who is the film’s leading lady). Toward the end of the video, you’ll notice an older woman being interviewed about why she loves her son more than her daughter. Keep in mind that the interviewer in that interaction is Mubeen; the interviewee, her mother.
If the previous video gave us a glimpse into the life of a girl who has doubled up duties of work and school, this next video by the Vedic Kanya School in Delhi shows the academic perspective of such a life where girls have doubled responsibilities, and how lack of time to turn in homework could affect their performance:
And this last video from the Noida Public School in Delhi brings us a male perspective of growing up in India, focusing on how teen smoking could be brought on by problems at home and peer pressure.
You can see many other videos made by youngsters at Adobe Youth Voices, where you can search by location and learn not only about life in India, but also about youth in Senegal and South Africa, as well as the US, Canada and England.
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