The compulsions that drive Delhi into confronting the West’s initiatives to hold Sri Lanka (SL) accountable for its genocide crimes is primarily to save the Delhi South Block trio from being implicated in the M’kal massacres. Gothabhaya had put Delhi on notice with his iconic ‘in the loop’ role of the Delhi trio within a couple of days of the news of the M’kal massacres leaking.
SL is convinced that a share of the guilt for the M’kal massacres should accrue to the ‘in the loop’ trio deeply involved with their SL counterparts in planning the fire free zone (Narayanan’s) to concentrate the entrapped rebels with civilians in a narrow belt for firing with devastating effect. According to Wikileaks the massacre as it occurred was watched via satellite pictures in Washington and Delhi. Delhi was monitoring to verify to ensure that the RAW intelligence it provided to SL was accurate enough for the fire power to cause maximum killings. Washington when its rescue plans to save those lives failed used it as evidence to hold the attackers accountable for the massacres. RAW under the direction of the Narayanan trio was thus involved in battlefront actions to cause the massacres on such a scale. SL adds the RAW’s role in the M’kal massacres to strengthen its ‘in the loop’ lever to torment Delhi into conceding to whatever SL demanded. This was a costly South Block Indo-SL policy failure.
Delhi readily acceded to SL’s demand to support SL over the crimes/massacre accountability issue openly. Delhi ‘trio’ had no alternative but to appease SL more and more. Accordingly the Rajapakses since May 2009 began calling the shots in Indo-SL relations in the post Tamil rebel period. The South Block mandarins’ involvement in the massacres brought India into the present quagmire. Extricating Delhi out of it is remote; every move that the desperate Delhi ‘trio’ took, dragged Delhi deeper and deeper into that intractable quagmire.
One such blunder was Krishna’s latest Colombo visit to overtly pressure SL into addressing the Tamil issue but covertly to plan with the Rajapakses a joint strategy to derail the West’s SL accountability initiatives. Rajapakses demanded that Delhi adopts a position that would discredit the West on SL’s accountability during the critical UNHRC sessions in March 2012. Delhi concurs with Colombo that the West’s diplomatic stance is unfair targeting only non-Western nations like Iran, Libya North Korea and Pakistan.  
The SL president has gone on record claiming that SL fought Delhi’s war in Mullivaykkal. The message underlying implicating Delhi terrifies Delhi into jumping into the vanguard of a diplomatic campaign to muster support for the SL genocide. Readers are aware that it is for this very reason that Delhi  voted congratulating SL for its victory over the Tamil rebels at the UNHRC May 2009 sessions (an extra-ordinarily civil reaction to the brutal massacre of over 40 000 civilians). To date there was not a word of condemnation of the massacre from a terrified Delhi. The West and non-aligned countries are bound to construe this fast track South Block reaction was to save the Delhi trio.
Krishna, deeply committed to the Sonia South Block junta on his SL visit agreed to work according to an agreed brief outlining detailed steps for their offensive against the West’s accountability initiatives. Krishna’s/South Block diplomatic line opted for an open ended appeasement of the Rajapakses’ to stall the gathering momentum of the initiatives of the international community to hold genocide SL accountable to a level that Delhi/Colombo had not anticipated. Delhi hosted a meeting of diplomats of 60 + nations (African, Latin American and West Asian) addressed by the SL Minister of External affairs (Peries) followed by about an equal number of those diplomats visiting a showcase ‘development’ and ‘reconciliation’ in Jaffna (North) to seducing them into voting for SL in the March 2012 UNHRC meeting on SL’s accountability for M’kal massacres. Their voting pattern will be an indicator of those countries’ commitment to human rights. The lengths to which the South Block led Krishna went to take the delegation to the North was to divert attention away from its partnership in the M’kal massacres that occurred in the (East). South Block Krishna and Rajapakses push Stalin propaganda into second place with conducted tours away from miserable conditions behind the ‘iron curtain’.
The Rajapakses exploited Delhi’s plight and extracted from Delhi  at the June 2011 one to one Rajapakse/Shiv Shankar sessions  that Delhi desist interfering in the Eelam Tamil issue whether for the 13th Amendment or any other proposal.  Delhi slavishly complied, observing a stilled silence, avoided visits to Colombo and agreed with Colombo on Delhi’s lock out from any involvement in the Tamil issue. Krishna suo moto address confirmed this line to the Indian parliament in August 2011. There was not a mention about the 40 000 + civilians massacred so does his SL January 2012 visit statements. How committed is Krishna to human rights especially massacres.
What changed since Shiv Shankar’s June 2011 visit that led to Krishna’s January Colombo visit? SL was beginning to feel the heat of the international pressure for crimes proceedings against it at the UNHRC sessions in March 2012 building up. Information in the public domain debunks Delhi’s pretences explaining the reasons for the timing of Krishna’s visit and the tangible gains that Krishna boastfully attributes to his SL visit in January 2012.
The corruption rage (kollaiveri) drove the Indo-SL policies of Rajiv and Sonia since the 1980’s. Rajiv on a mercenary deal committed to finish off the Tamil rebels under the Indo -SL Accord in 1987 that failed; Sonia delivered that in full by May 2009. Sonia’s surreptitious use of the South Block trio in the planning and execution of the SL war brought the total elimination of the Tamil rebels, civilians in massive numbers and flight overseas of other Tamils in far larger numbers altering the demographic balance substantially disadvantaging Eelam Tamils in SL – Delhi effectively partnered in the SL genocide.
Satish Chandra in ‘Why Krishna’s visit to Lanka can’t be termed successful (Rediff January 24 2012) disagrees with Krishna’s boasts. He however misses the point that there is a Delhi/Colombo conspiracy to frustrate delay action against SL in the UNHRC with misleading reports that much tangible progress is occurring on the ground for the Tamils in the North or East. The international communities’ own sources contradict Krishna’s account of the ground conditions in SL; discrediting information sourced from Delhi.
Rampant corruption rage led to the mercenary Indo-SL deal to destroy the Tamil rebels, though the Tamils rebels were fighting for a legitimate cause, namely the survival of the Tamils from the murderous rage (kolaiveri) of Sri Lankan regimes.  The Rajiv clan was driven by a mafia mercenary rage seeking easy scam profits. In the Bofors scam inferior weapons meant that the lives of the Indian armed forces in the battlefront were on offer for the private gain of the Rajiv/Sonia clan.
However once the Tamil rebels were destroyed the collateral damage  to Delhi was SL locking it out from broaching the Tamil issue and more dangerously lining up  the China threat into the region to counteract  Delhi,  should it react adversely to Colombo’s humiliating gestures. Despite the Krishna’s ‘no see’ charade nothing has changed; the Rajapakse genocide still proceeds with more vehemence destroying traces of the Tamil homelands in SL which the reports of the international community confirm. How will the international community judge the credibility of reports sourced from a Krishna, the South Block and Delhi?
Is there much left of India’s regional standing in South Asia when SL regularly taunts Delhi over the Tamil issue and its devolution commitment under the 1987 Indo-SL Accord. The foothold that SL gave to China is more than a threat; it is a lever for the use of the Rajapakses should Delhi stray away from appeasement and joins the West on the accountability issue. Is the amount of homage that Krishna pays to the Rajapakses sufficient to save the ‘in the loop’ trio from the SL accountability issues about to be debated in the UNHRC sessions in March 2012?
The Delhi South Block is a mafia like outfit serving the mafia Sonia junta. The South Block instigated Krishna’s trip, was under instructions to deliver glowing statements on SL’s LLRC, SL’s reconstruction works (though pathetic), progress on the 13th Amendment devolution and SL-TNA talks. Gothabhaya repudiated within 24 hours Krishna’s claim that the President committed to implement the 13th amendment plus during the visit. Krishna was acting more as the spokesperson for the Rajapakses and the South Block trio purely to mislead the international community to sidetrack progress on the West’s UNHRC accountability initiatives dashing ‘the last refuge’ the Tamils have for their survival in SL.
Amongst the homage that Delhi pays to the Rajapakses is inaction even when SL leaked RAW’s logistics intelligence to ISI of Pakistan, a serious security risk. The widely circulating belated reports on RAW leaks point to the ingratitude of SL more so when it was leaked to ISI who used it to identify the security surveillance gaps in the Bombay front for the ISI agents/terrorists to launch the audacious and devastating 9/11 attack on Bombay that killed 164 people (151 were from 11 different countries) and wounding more than 308 others. (Boston Globe of 28 November 2008) At the time of the attack the anger of most Indians was directed at Pakistan’s ISI overlooking RAW/South Block’s contribution   and SL’s intelligence treachery. The Bombay attack was possible once the RAW’s surveillance cover for the Bombay front was surreptitiously moved away to the battle zone in North SL to provide logistic intelligence for the SL forces. Sonia junta Narayanan escaped accountability for this major security lapse simply because Narayanan is a key South Block Sonia loyalist.
A more serious ramification of Delhi’s pro-SL anti-Tamil South Block strategy is totally eliminating the Tamil rebels (Delhi’s leverage) freeing SL from dependence on Delhi. Following this, SL stabbed India in the back by allowing China a firm foothold in SL. This never occurred before in independent India to cause Indians everywhere much trauma. The China factor that haunts all Indians encouraged the Rajapakses to lock Delhi out from talks to resolve the Tamil issue and repudiating its 1987 Indo-SL Accord. The regional power standing that India had since independence is as good as lost, thanks to the UPA2/Congress.
SL that has tasted unchallenged power once the rebels lost holds Delhi down to its agreement on Katchchativu but is casual when it repudiates the Indo-SL Accord. When the Tamils rebels had the upper hand Colombo paid homage to Delhi; now it is Delhi’s turn to appease/pay homage not to plead over the Tamil issue/Indo-SL Accord devolution package but to spare the Delhi trio. Delhi has lost its Tamil rebels leverage allowing Colombo to brandish its more powerful ‘in the loop’ and ‘RAW intelligence leak’ levers. Delhi is in no position to raise with SL its treachery in leaking RAW intelligence to ISI that caused the Bombay attack.
SL flaunts the China card after it has almost mortally encircled India with its presence/bases close enough the cost of countering that  China threat will be staggering; starving Delhi of scarce funds to throttle  India’s ‘development’.  UPA2/Congress manifesto vainly shouts the loudest about its development plans electorally.
It is strange that an inconsequential Tamil issue has dented the stature of India as a power in the region if not the world. UPA2/Congress contributed to India’s diminished standing. TN and Bihar voters have expressed their outrage over UPA2/Congress’ dismal failures. The India’s diminished stature causes much heartburn; the only redress is a change in the stewardship of India and only liberating Delhi from the South Block’s stranglehold is a must for Tamils in TN to be safe in India.  
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