India to regulate Test-tube baby centres !

    Consequent to the mushrooming of test-tube baby centres in India (IVF:Intra-Vitrus Fertilization), the Government of India has come forward to regulate them through law.

   India’s health minister, Dr.Anbumani Ramadoss who inaugurated the first government sponsored test-tube baby centre in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, has stated that a law to regulate the test-tube baby centres which have proliferated of late is coming and ICMR has already has submitted its note to the government.

    The problem of approaching test-tube centres arise either because of  the problems had  by the men like lesser number of sperm counts, surplus number of sperm counts etc.In the case of women,it is because of the roadblock to the fallopian tube,uterus block and some other problems.

   Though the test-tube technology has been in practice for over a period of twenty years, the Indian government is rather belated in coming forward to regulate them.

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