India’s Changing Media

Indian media everywhere is in the throes of change. Until recently the people were depending upon mainstream newspapers for news and tabloids for sensationalism. The radio was controlled by governmnet agencies and so was TV.In fact TV came very late. In the next phase the communication scene underwent drastic changes when private operators were allowed.Even then the accent was more on infotainment and entertainment than hard news. The metamorphosis took place when some private operators emulated the examples of TV stations elsewhere and began 24-hour news channels.

Some of them went even farther and took to sting operations.a la Irving Wallace’s character in that famous novel Almighty.

When the TV stations could innovate, can the newspapers, even mainstream ones , be allowed to trail? So the shift from news to more non-news, from hard stories to soft ones and occasionally even manipulated ones for effect —- this is the path they are journeying along.The distinction between news pages and sponsored  ones is almost vanishing.Even on page one, and occasionally below the masthead ads are carried. On a few occasions the first page itself has been replaced by a full page ad.

There is intense competition and this has resulted in more and more compromises at readers’ cost.

Yes, the reader is king and he can choose another paper. that is easier said than done because there is not much to choose. Except perhaps the gimmicks they employ to lure readers.The saving grace is that the media, newspapers as well as TV, have started splashing more news on spirituality and trying to promote higher values in society.

Yoga is very much in demand and it is brought down to the level of a cult.the original purpose is neglected.

So superstition is gaining credence as science and celebrities are passing off as heroes.Little do their fans know that they have feet of clay.

The media has a role to play in shaping public opinion.Debates of high order and discussions across the board could enlighten the people . We are a free society and the media is free . Yet we miss the fiery touch of intellectuals and the humane concern of patriots. One should not be saying this but the media reflects the self-centredness of groups than the larger picture of society.

Unfortunately for the Indian reader, the editor is no longer the one who calls the shots.It is the business head of the organisation.save in organisations which are family run and founded by journalists .




M S Ramamurthy:
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