One of the most common problem among married couples all around
the globe is : Infidelity of spouse. Every third couple / person (male or female) go through the trauma of infidelity of loved one/spouse.
After a deep study, analysis and correlation of various facts and figures, several things were revealed including psychological changes and various other aspects. This problem can be broadly divided among two categories (and further sub-categories):
(I)Extra-marital relations having roots before marriage and exposure afterwards
(II)Real extra-marital relations developed after marriage.
These categories can be broadly sub-divided among following: The intimate relations developed before marriage get exposed, Continuation of such relations even after marriage and getting exposed, Putting an end to such relations after getting exposed.
This can be divided as: Real development of relations with someone after marriage, Continuity of these even after knowledge and exposure to spouse, Putting an end to these after getting exposed, but, never losing a chance to hug the third if sure about the fact that spouse won’t know about it. This is most common.
The reaction to these varies from person to person, situation to situation, culture to
culture, society to society. But the most common reactions seen are:
Tolerating and forgetting the biter things and experiences if the spouse puts and end
to these, Brooding over this menace always, Throwing abuses everyday, Developing relations himself/herself as a revenge or thinking of paying back in the same coin, Getting separated without divorce, Getting separated after getting divorce, Re-marriage after divorce with someone else, Remain single after divorce, Re-marring the previous spouse after mutual consent and agreement upon certain things in future
Developing inferiority complex, Severe anxiety and depression, Rarely ending up in murder or suicide.
What-so-ever may be the reason and the reaction the two most important conclusions
are :
Kids suffer the most without any reason and fault of their own, often leading to psychological disorders. So you must give top priority to your kids before taking any decision. Increase your tolerance as much as you can but up to a limit. Pray to Almighty : “O’ My God Give Me The Power And Will To Change The Things That I Can ,And, Tolerance Towards Things That I Can’t Change”.
– Dr. Navraj Singh Sandhu