Interesting Stories to Learn Proverbs

41 wisdom boosting tales 
Author: R. K. Murthi 
A timely and fun way for children to imbibe family values and emphasize necessity of social interactions.
*Do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 
*The poor are truly free when their needs are few 
*Pride hath its fall 
*An enemy’s enemy is a friend 
*All are equal in the eyes of the law   

and many other popular proverbs driving home universal moral ideas have been compiled from different cultural backgrounds. Besides these, the book also includes other popular ones like: 

It is never too late to learn…
Necessity is the mother of invention…
Self-help is the best help etc. 

Given their popularity and universal acceptance, the stories connected to them have an appeal for the children and adults alike. Also, the illustrative format serves to enhance the recall-value of the proverbs besides affording the pleasure of interesting reading for children.   

Truly a treasure-trove into which, youngsters can delve anytime to improve their knowledge and expand horizon.

Binay Srivastava: I am a feature writer on global affairs and work as an editor in a publishing house in New Delhi, India. I enjoy reading books and review those that interest me.
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