It is a clear and distinct fact that no country is self-sufficient. Nations depend on one another for survival. The inter dependence of countries has been aided by international division of labor, the emergence of international trade and industrial revolutions. Apart from having political interactions with other countries through international political organizations such as African Union (AU), United Nations Organization (UNO) and apart from engaging in social relationship with many countries through international social organizations such as the West African Football Union (WAFU), Federation of International Football Association (FIFA), the west African countries maintain economic ties with many countries through different international economic organizations such as the Economic Commission for Africa, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, International Monetary Fund, African Development Bank, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Economic Commission for Africa. These international economic organizations have as one of their major pre occupations, the regulation of trade and provision of assistance in the finance of international trade and investment.