International singer in Malawi on goodwill mission

 Yvonne ChakaChaka, an international known singer based in South Africa, is in Malawi to help the launch the flag week in the fight against malaria.


The Singer who has already produced a number of albums internationally, jointly opened the malaria week with the Malawian Minister of Health Khumbo Kachali.


Thousands people thronged Southern Malawi to see her perform during the flag week.


In her speech she thanked the  Malawi Government  for the strides it has made in achieving the Millennium Development Goal on reducing child mortality by two-thirds by allocating more resources to the health sector.



She said Malawi is on course to meeting the World Health Assembly Goal of allocating 15 percent of the national budget to health.


In his remarks Kachali bemoaned the disease in Malawi saying over 7,000 people died last year because of Malaria  adding that government has set aside large amounts of money to fight the disease.


He said the country has lost a lot of productive citizens saying many children failed to go to school because of being sick.


Around 4 million Malawians were sick of the disease last year.



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