Internet: Earning more with Shvoong

Well, I am sure not many people are aware of Shvoong. So what exactly is it? It is a website that pay members to write summary, abstract and review. Bascially, the topic to be written can be anything and best of all left to the discretion of members, provided it is not in anyway infringed upon the Term of Services (TOS). Read this report about how Shvoong works.

Based on my personal experience with Shvoong, it was really fun writing abstracts and reviews about books, website, movies and so on. The earning of a member is based primarily on page views and over revenue sharing income. The only problem for me is that the earning accounted from the efforts were not really at all encouraging, let alone motivating.

I joined quite a fair bit ago early this year and had not been really successful with this program. Then, I started to use Social Bookmarking technique to booat the income from my articles, but was not really substantially improved. After awhile of doing some trial and error, I found that articles submitted to Shvoong about websites are doing exceptionally well. I started to do more on websites and well, the result was really good. I got motivated and found a way to boost my earning with Shvoong.

It does make sense when you think about it carefully. You are in the virtual world and the most important thing on Internet is websites which are the core elements which made up the world wide web. So that naturally makes website the most relatively searched about subject. Try to write reviews on popular websites and you will understand what I mean.

This is just to share that earning a substantial amount from page views is possible. The only key point to remember is to know what does the Internet Community want.

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