According to a study conducted by Prof.Harvey Dillon, Director of National Acoustics Laboratory, more than 70% of ‘Young Adults’ are at the risk of losing their hearing power due to listening to music constantly through their headphones. The first sign of hearing loss occurs with ‘tinnitus’ or in lay man’s language ‘ringing in the ear’. The cause for this is traced to listening to music played at dangerously loud levels on headphones. Instances of this kind is reported to be less in younger respondents than the older one, but, this could be because of their perceived feelings that it did not happen very often to them or did not last long with them, but, they are very real .
The warnings should not be ignored on account of the fact that 2/3rds of people listened to music on headphone’s and out of this 60% played it at dangerously high levels. The risk of damage is traced in two stages when people go to concerts or noisy places. It occurs inside the ear and while in the first stage, it is temporary in the second stage it is permanent.
According to Prof.Dillon, the safe audio headphone levels are 85 decibels averaged over an eight hour usage. People should desist the use of headphones and if not at least the noise levels in order to save their hearing power.
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