Iran Executes Dutch Woman


TEHRAN—-An Islamic judge sentenced a Dutch woman of Iranian ancestry to death by hanging. Zahra Bahrami, 45, was accused of possessing and smuggling narcotics.
Possession and distribution of drugs in Iran is a capitol offense punishable by hanging.
Bahrami, a Dutch citizen, traveled to Iran to visit her daughter. She took part in post-election protests in Tehran and was later identified by Iranian security officials.
She was arrested and charged with participating in protests against the government.
After Bahrami’s arrest, Iranian prosecutors charged her with possession of large quntities of illegal drugs.
 According to Iranian officials, Bahrami and a Dutch partner had in their possession 450 grams of cocaine they smuggled into the country.
An Iranian court convicted Bahrami and sentenced her to death by hanging.
According to Bahrami’s daughter, Iranian security agents had planted the drugs in Bahrami’s home. Bahrami’s daughter stated to Iranian press that she was often prevented from seeing her mother and had no opportunity to say goodbye before the sentenced was carried out.
According to International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, “during Zahra Bahrami’s detention, her interrogation team was the Iranian Intelligence Ministry’s Anti-Espionage Team.  Therefore the possibility that her initial charges were drug-related is nil”. 
Although the condemned woman is reported to have confessed to drug trafficking, she later recanted her confession in court and stated that her confession was obtained under duress.
It is widely believed that Iranian security agents use torture and intimidation in order to obtain confessions from prisoners.
In the mean time, Dutch government expressed outrage at the news of  Bahrami’s execution. The Dutch authorities complain that Iranian government prevented their consular staff from visiting Bahrami in prison.
Iran defended its action because Bahrami was an Iranian citizen and Iranian law does not recognize dual citizenship.
During her trial, Bahrami denied the trafficking charges but the Iranian revolutionary court found her guilty and sentenced her to death.
The initial espionage charges were never pursued in court. Bahrami was put to death on January 29, 2011.
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