See video: US funding terrorists in Syria
See video: US funding terrorists organizations in Syria
Both the Iranian and Iraqis are to a certain extent confused by US policy in its war against terrorism.
Adding to the confusion – the Obama Administration has recently proposed a major program to train and arm what it calls moderate ” Syrian rebels”, in a significant expansion of the U.S. nefarious role in perpetuating a civil war that has ravaged that country and caused over 1 half million deaths so far and counting!
The presidents proposal includes over $500 million in direct aid to rebels, many of whom are affiliated with al-Qaeda? the proposal f $500 million—a larger amount than expected—is being earmarked to aid the Syrian opposition, which could wind up helping the very terrorist entities we have pledged to fight? These same terrorists, have in recent weeks asserted control of large parts of neighboring Iraq and now pose threats to U.S. allies in the region.
This has left many asking the question “Is President Obama freaking insane?”
Already some in Congress have raised questions as to whether the Obama administration has ever armed ISIS with lethal weapons?
See report: Has the Obama administration ever armed ISIS with lethal weapons? Inquiring minds would like to know!
See video: US was responsible for training ISIS in Jordan