Categories: World

Iran’s hard-headed attitude threatens world peace

Iran appears reluctant to abide by the United Nations call to stop its nuclear enrichment program. This only goes to show that Iran doesn’t understand why he is a member of the United Nations owing to its hard-headed mentality. Does it really make any difference if Iran cooperates for the attainment of world peace?
If Iran does, its leader may have the temerity to buck down from his original plan to further engage in the commercial enrichment of nuclear materials, even if he reasoned out that the program is nothing serious than to use it for energy development projects which any country can think about for the purpose of technological advancement.
In view of his development, many critics around the world have expressed dismay over Iran’s rogue attitude by simply ignoring what the international community of peace-loving nations for it to quit its nuclear enrichment program, if only to attain peace and harmony in this world. And they have surmised that part of Iran’s agenda is to amass nuclear warheads and long-range missiles that are capable of destroying countries it considered as enemies. Now, it believes that the only way to dominate others is through the commercialization of nuclear arms.
Aware of its impending impacts on world peace, President Bush has called on China and Russia to help convince Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment program, which can produce fuel capable of generating "weapons-grade material for nuclear warheads." But it appears that Iran is bent on pushing through with its plan to produce nuclear armaments.
In this way, the U.N. Security Council, including Germany, has initiated a move that would eventually penalize Iran for refusing to stop its uranium enrichment. But Iran insisted that its enrichment program is only for developing energy that would make it as part of the world’s powerful nations.
Bush said that the U.N. needs to strengthen its sanctions against Iran, if it continues to ignore the call to stop the uranium program that is believed to destabilize the world. Already, the Security Council has punished Iran in December for refusing to suspend its enrichment program. All the more Iran responded by giving less access to the U.N. watchdog agency to inspect its nuclear facilities.
The Associated Press reported that the International Atomic Energy Agency learned that Iran expanded its enrichment program. Because of this, five Security Council members, plus Germany, will meet within the week to consider the next steps. Iran probably will be a topic of discussion at the June 6-8 summit in Germany of the Group of Eight major industrialized nations, AP said.
At present, Russia is building a nuclear power plan near Iran’s southern port of Bushehr and has cultivated close ties with Tehran. China’s fuel-guzzling economy, meanwhile, makes it willing to deal with oil-rich countries such as Iran. However, Russia temporarily suspended its work on Iran’s southern port project owing to the brewing tension between the U.S. and Iran.
The U.N. is now thinking of putting a variety of measures that would put Iran in an off-balanced position. For instance, one of the tangible pressures that could be employed is to call on countries to stop buying oil from Iran, if only to diminish its oil revenues that would eventually affect its economy. Perhaps, Iran’s head has swelled because it believes that its vast crude oil deposits, which give it more and more cash to finance international terrorism,  will not wane as the years go by.  
Al Jeratso: Al Jeratso is a freelance journalist, writer, poet and blogger. Many of his articles, touching on a wide variety of issues, appeared in major leading dailies and magazines both in Manila and abroad, including the United States and England. He held various editorial positions with several media organizations, the last of which was as senior news editor of a newswires organization in Manila.
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